In defense of Swift and Beyonce..don’t they move around a little more that Adele? Are there any isolated Florence vocals out there? Personally I think she’s better than Adele.
In defense of Swift and Beyonce..don’t they move around a little more that Adele? Are there any isolated Florence vocals out there? Personally I think she’s better than Adele.
Give the kids and wife something with headphones. As the driver I should be able to listen to Howard Stern without issue.
I would imagine losing a fight by getting knocked out and having to walk back to the locker room is a lonely feeling. I think Rousey was a little full of herself, but I felt bad for her staggering back.
Am I the only dumbass who had burned the shit out of his mouth biting into the inferno of cheese inside a hot pocket.
Cake pops are gross. I’m not sure why, but they taste odd. Just eat a fucking cupcake.
Why would he need to remember those shitty plays anyway? Making them up on the spot couldn’t be any worse.
I’d quit stupid football to hang out with Olivia. Look at Verlander and Upton. He could give two shits about throwing that stupid baseball now and who could blame him.
The first time I ever saw Aqua Teen I didn’t really get it. Is that a talking shake? WTF. Then I couldn’t stop watching and told everyone I knew about it...even non pot smokers.
Black Friday is really about people who go to a store looking for someone to start some shit and others looking to film it. In some way I think stores actually like the publicity of school yard fight for a PS4. It’s sad because Black Friday shopping actually seemed to bring some families together in a scavenger hunt…
This is the whitest shit I’ve ever seen, and I’m as white as they come. Could you imagine someone on the Raiders of the 70s calling Bradshaw the blonde bb gun? Fuck that..they tried to kill him, the way real football should be played.
I believe the Cowboys are going to win out and then lose to the Redskins in the last game when Romo throws a pick. It’ll be classic because they won’t be shitty enough to get a good draft pick and not good enough to make the playoffs.
Why all the hate for daily fantasy?
2 wins will cause a meltdown every time. Thank god Eli is an idiot or they’d only have 1 win.
Excellent Ty Webb Russia..this isn’t Russia quote.
He should have just shot her through the closed bathroom door. Works in South Africa.
I wish Berman was standing in a Sarlacc pit instead of a sand trap.
Fuck their banner. Why are adults bringing a banner to an NFL game. Wear your jersey, look like an asshole isn’t enough?
I hate Alabama and would like them to get blown out. However, I will take them to cover the 7.
Why would anyone deserve this, it’s not like she called a crappy kickoff coverage that gave up a TD.
Sad but true. It’s supposed to rain Saturday which means 20k will show up to watch em play Cincy.