Mac Moj

Of the recent attempts by Westerners to emulate the kaiju genre, this is one of the few that seems to really nail parts of the aesthetic and thematic goals of those films.

Alien: Covenant being referred to as a space slasher kinda bugs me. Aren't slashers just structurally low-rent monster movies?

Yeah, games are fantastic right now.

Trying to make monsters seem realistic is so silly. The best monster designs have no place in reality, like those of Toru Narita, or Jack Kirby.

Lol, this is your typical indie with giant monster window dressing. I'd take the prospect of Shinya Tsukamoto's MOTHRA any day.

Makes the ending of Rogue One more hilariously distasteful now.

I edited my post. What I'm trying to say is that there's no reason a functioning adult should care whether if a fictional character marketed to make a profit for a corporation is relevant of not.

I'll be the one guy who didn't like VISION, I guess. Writing robots isn't an excuse for clunky as fuck dialogue and prose.

He's criticizing OP for fist-pumping the future relevancy of a fictional character that is owned by a corporation.

To me, it's really boring to talk about how misunderstood the original Godzilla film is, mainly because there are another half-dozen Ishiro Honda Godzilla films that are overlooked and unfairly written off.

I think the design above is just emblematic of Hollywood monster design. So steeped in realism (the bear and crocodile influence is very easy to read) that it's very uninspiring creatively. Meanwhile, the biggest influence in the Shin Godzilla design was the goya fruit.

Noriyoshi Ohrai >>>>

Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster is structurally the same as the first Avengers.

Also, one more thing, while I like Katie Rife's review, she opens with a false dichotomy about how human scenes in Godzilla films operate. What makes these movies so interesting is that the directors often get to tell to be playful with the human story-lines, as long as there's monster mashing.

Surprised so many people are having a tough time with the humor in this. I thought it was incredibly fascinating. The rapid fire dialogue and quick cutting of the hectic boardroom scenes in contrast to the eerie, stoic Godzilla created such an unique dynamic. It's funny, but it's never mugging. The first prime

There are legitimate issues about "nationalism" in this film, but I think it's really short-sighted for people in a nation like the United States to be leveling those claims.

I've seen a lot of complaints about how static Godzilla is, but I love it. The monolithic nature of his appearance is unsettling.

Things I'm buying:
Hellboy & B.P.R.D. 1953 Beyond the Fences #1
Judge Dredd #3
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #11
Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales
Kaijumax Volume 1

Just curious, as a fellow Joe Casey fan, what would you reccomend?

It's one of those articles that tries to promote a 'paragon of taste' among its readers, which I find really elitist.