About damn time. Would air jacks be a bridge too far?
About damn time. Would air jacks be a bridge too far?
thank you! And thank you for reading! May I also recommend this: https://deadspin.com/the-siege-and-fall-of-a-hoops-haven-that-made-all-the-w-1838777225
Not gonna lie. I used this arguement once to protest the ass whopping I got for calling my cousin a bitch, and even then back then I knew it was bullshit. I was like 10.
TMZ has a nice impromptu interview with him up right now.
i bloody love this matra.
This was a weird product in the first place–not fully a lux option, as it would have existed in markets where E-Classes are used as taxis, but obviously intended to be higher-brow than a Renault Alaskan...
driving way off track (“error” or not - still should be a 5 second penalty itself)
A Miami resident leaves temple early so he doesn’t miss out on a great deal?
It’s graduation season, which means it’s time for students to bust out their eleventh hour creativity. For some,…
Motocrosser, stunt rider, rally nut, Nitro Circus head honcho and all-around eXtReMe guy Travis Pastrana just landed…
Freshly promoted to high Class-A baseball, Tim Tebow has been hitting the ball better than ever before. In his…
This season of Top Gear is kind of like new, new Top Gear, since we’ve still got the newer panel of hosts but we don’…
The Americans are in control of Formula One now, and so the powers-that-be heard y’all think F1 engines are way too…
As Australia debates whether to recognize same-sex marriage, this Holden racing team made very clear where it…
Chad le Clos, who took advantage of Michael Phelps’s collapse in the 200 butterfly four years ago, poked the bear…