
I have subscriptions to two of the three! Guess which ones!

"The music faculty of PS 203 in Flatbush would like to welcome you to another semmester!"

What Angelina is trying to say is that looking gorgeous on the red carpet is much, much easier when you're gorgeous to begin with. Overthinking is what screws it up.

Okay, am I the only person who gets that Liev Schriber is clearly joking!?!

" that a new bar across the street? I wonder what the waitresses are like?"

Private power is simply a rationalization. It reminds me of a horrible moment on That 70's Show in first year when Donna—-who hoped for great things when ERA was passed—-was taught about how women run the world by her mother who pretended not to be able to open a jar to make her husband do. That's pretty much the

@lalaland13: And you were right when you wrote "gentile" too.

There's also the lack of "servitude" present in the task. When you flip burgers or clean toilets you're clearly "serving" other people, whereas with sex work there's the illusion of holding the reins of power, because people are paying to be with you.

@queenieinmanhattan: Seriously. When did Henry write about fucking a corpse? Or a dude with a cock ring that was literally a ring? On the downside, Anais had an affair with her own father and never once writes about having an orgasm.

@sassyredhead: TRIVIA: because she was on Kids Inc with Martika, she's actually singing backup on "Toy Soldiers" along with Fergie.

John Mayer actually dated her before he became famous and I'm still calling "shenanigans" on continually ripping him while Clooney gets a free ride for dating 20-something cocktail waitresses. All Mayer's girlfriends have been more famous and successful than him, and most recently older.

@Iconoclefted: It's funny because I'm actually being kind of shallow because we're not talking about show where women over 35 decide to become doctors. They're tall, thin and gorgeous and want to model. So it's just a matter of how shallow you want to me, and he's super-shallow as he clearly doesn't want anyone

@lurkerbynature: She wasn't just there to look pretty. That's a Megan Fox job. She kicked ass and took names. It wasn't Charlie's Angels. So long as she did that I no more begrudge the producers her skintight leather than I do Daniel Craig's shirt coming off.

The show actually started last week and they were clearly casting for provocation and false drama. The 72 year old black woman (who looks fucking amazing) who modeled for Jet in the 50? Who doesn't want to see that? Then there was the out lesbian, the transgender, the insecure girl on the verge of a breakdown and

Well, ask yourself why you called the films of last summer "dick flicks" when you ask about the studios assuming there's a divide between men and women. I mean it was on these very boards where an editor insisted that no woman would ever see Underworld 3, an action franchise that had always been driven by a female

Add me to the Eva love. Aside from CK ads and movies, when do you see her? She's not constantly in the news getting on your nerves. I've no idea who she's dating or for how long.

That Sandra Bullock thinks Miss Congeniality is both a) a buddy comedy and b) well-written explains all the crap movies she's made in her career.