
Your use of Failure To Launch is incorrect. She was being paid by his parents in order to get him out of the house (which is cruel when you learned he retreated there emotionally after his fiancee died). He himself was not paying for a woman's attention and in fact had no problem getting them.

Liquor? I barely even touched her!

But forget the shoplifting and casting, how could any interview with Winona not touch upon the fact that if you were a musician in the 90's and even on up to Conner Obst, you slept with Winona Ryder. The Daily Show even did a joke showing them all onscreen until there was no more room for Jon Stewart. Like Johnny

@ihateyourescalade: Why? Didn't he dump his wife for her. And she's got zero history of fidelity, so this is water seeking its own level.

@Snowbunny: Not just her. The Brazilian girl talking about the poverty she came from makes it impossible to see her drink and not realize why she can't seem to function without it. Then there was Gia who got expelled the first episode for being a blackout drunk. Especially painful when we saw her talk about trying to

I can't enjoy this show any more. The girls are so clearly damaged it's not even remotely fun. Both Kiki and Bay Bay Bay have problems with anger so great it's painful to watch. The way they explode over Bubbles at the slightest provocation makes me squirm. And though she doesn't show it here, we know that

At least now we know why certain European men dress the way they do. It's a holdover from how their mothers dressed them as kids.

Jessica Biel should ask Cameron Diaz about working with Justin before she commits to anything, because they broke up after that and the next year she had to spend a month seeing him at promotions for it.

I won't make the crude sexual allusion about her husband. I just won't. But I'm thinking it.

So what was the point of dissolving Destiny's Child when you're always going to have two girls always dancing next to you? Taking a pay cut beats not working at all, Kelly.

Crap. I thought for sure a woman I once knew would be on there. I mean, she once taught golf at Trump's Course and appeared in Maxim. How could she not be there?

Not to be a downer, but a single line hardly makes a song "about" going down. That said, the irony that most of those come from Black people speaks a lot about myths and reality.

Honestly, I wish they'd make one of these for me. I'd like to take down that cheese-eating son-of-a-bitch who totally negates hours of bike riding with his cheddar habit. I want to see him bloody and broken at my feet. And next to him, Mr. Strawberry Milkshake. And right next to him Mr. Frozen, wait.

@odinsraven: It's just that usually when you mention rape, the cries of outrage come out. Or maybe we're just all drained from the Catholic abuse scandal that this suffers in comparison.

Wow. Not one comment about this girl being molested by her agent and raped by his friend?

", I sez to Mariko, I sez..."

@BeckySharper: It's not necessarily the abuse that does it as much as the body reacting overall to instability. Years ago in Discovery Magazine a woman was interviewed talking about a her hypotheosis of how instability triggers puberty and maturation in humans. That it's no coincidence that the kids in school whose

@JessicaLovejoy: Laughing, riding, cornholing!:"...outside her trailer crew members report hearing someone scream, 'Why can't that bitch just stay home and raise her two hundred kids!?! Two hundred and one if you count him!'"

@NerD!!!: Neither. In 9th grade I discovered GQ and was able to shield myself from most of what transpired.

Thankfully, I never fell prey to trends in the 80's, so no eraserhead photos or Michael Jackson jacket photos exist of me (No, mom, I do not want you to look for pictures of me in my Members Only jacket!)