
@SmallbutMighty: Seriously. Part of what makes her so appealing is that she doesn't have some model-ized perfection to her, starting with that cute/sexy overbite. Why is a smile so evil in high fashion?

Simply put, it's not about her, but about the next child.

@NefariousNewt: But the primary motivation is punishing a movie director who raped a child. Other feelings are no doubt present, but if a rich and famous rapist walks because his victim is "over it"...well, you can imagine the resulting fallout. I'm all for the message being sent, "We don't care if it's 5 months,

@I fought piranhas: I think it's more the LA county DA's needs a "celebrity win" as it seems that celebrities can essentially do what they want out there.

@rose.of.many.thorns.colette: But still creepy. And Harrison Ford actually said that Winona Ryder, who was rumored to be up for the role as well, wasn't too young to be his love interest. I love Audrey Hepburn, but I can't watch a lot of her movies because it was like she was passed around Hollywood's aging lions at

Um, that's god's way of saying Howie Does It sucks and he wants you to stop.

Does this mean I have to wear spats?

@HanaMaru: She said it was her goal, which was a bit surprising. She openly admitted to wanting to manage hookers, which makes me think she's probably one herself. I mean who else would want that except someone who's tired of being the employee?

@LauraNOLA: I had a brief moment of pity when the girl just kept saying, "I'm not that smart," with a smile and began to envision the similar histories of all these girls coming from most likely small, blue collar towns, dad never around, college was never an option, worked a few dead end jobs after high school when

@annebreal: The token black girls before have all obviously had no business being there it wasn't even funny. The first looked like Wesley Snipes in drag and the second was flat out crazy and didn't want to be there. Natasha is what a black rock chick looks like, which is say merely a black version of all the white

You know why Britney got a pass in the end? Because her grandfather was black.

@stacyinbean: According to her, she was only doing research for a role.

@PandoraNeby: Actually not wearing them out clubbing makes perfect sense to me.

Somali Pirates.

If you wondering why the difference in numbers between between then and now for willing statutory rapists, think back on what was going on in 1999. Here's a hint:

While I'm sure some of what you say is true, the simple fact is movies about weddings never lose money, period.

Sadly, The National Enquirer has a pretty good track record with shit like this. Just ask Patrick Swayze. He may not be dying in 6 months but his illness is probably worse than we know. And as someone who was a devoted MJ fan as a child, standing by him even when his friends switched to Prince, I have to say...I