
@NicoleItchy: But they need to be a bit sensitive now to the fact that they are perpetuating yet another White Male Imperialist fantasy. No Asian male can outfight or out-fuck them.

@Calraigh: Depends on who you talk to. One woman I know who is a devout X-Files fan once referred to her as "Dana Scully: Agent Victim!"

I hate to say this, but she kept her convictions even when she knew they'd be a tremendous burden to her and no one would have faulted her.

@Meg: They will burn before our withering snark!

@Meg: I guess not too many people saw the "John Mayer Has A Show" special that he did before he was everywhere dating celebs. That's my first exposure to Mayer and the impression he gives is he's not a guy who takes any of this or himself seriously at all. And he was on The Chappelle Show 1st season.

I've never understood the John Mayer hate because unlike a real douche, John Mayer has mocked himself since day one. Even when he was just making panties drop on college campuses everywhere.

@NefariousNewt: I'm with you. This is sooooo going to backfire. As far as I'm concerned he just gave the election away.

"I can't believe my agent. Jumper 2 and The Cindy Crawford Story on Lifetime is all he can get me!?!"

Not to defend Duchovny, but if he said he was going into treatment for drugs or booze, he'd get sympathy. Bear in mind, you've never heard one word about Duchovny in any paper anywhere, so this may have some merit. After all, you don't know if he was banging co-stars two at a time or was watching so much porn his

Fuck. He's bringing up Dr. King. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not...

@shewar: Let me tell them I'm taking the next day off from work now...

Um, Biden didn't seem happy about the "no dirty pool" part.

@BeckySharper: Trying to build a time machine to back and run for the mayor of DC like he should have, the asshole.

Ooh, a "fuck Jesse Jackson" moment. My night is made.

Because I'm a movie geek, all I can think of is how much film work Harry J. Lennix is going to get if he wins.

Wait. You mean I shouldn't be watching The Matrix on HBO right now?

"Okay, youse kids pretend to fall down in front of the Mercedes. I'm gonna come up and say I'm a shyster and we'll rook this chump."

@talk2tehhand: Thank you. I was just about to bring it up. Amazing movie. I had to buy it on DVD out of Hong Kong because it's only on VHS in the states.