
@SusieDerkins: I'm with you. He's a dick, but she's no innocent because her trash talk fired up her main competition. Also, douche he may be, he's also part of the reason she's there. You can't separate the Silver Medal any more from him than you can from her. They both need to try for a little of that gold we

@velvetfist: It's like the Oscars. They make up for a previous slight the next year.

@TaraIncognita: Who can compare to the quick wit of the fashionista badge? No one. We sit in quiet awe.

Saw her on the street on Sunday. She's not a waif-like as I expected. Makes me like her all the more.

@frecklefacefreak: When the Chinese girls grow up and come clean in a few years, justice will be served.

@andBegorrah: *fingers in ears* LALALALALALALALA—-I'm not listening—-LALALALALALALALA...

Sex for money isn't fun. Modeling isn't all that glamorous. Next, Jezebel, you'll be telling me that being an international assassin isn't any fun and I'll have no dreams left!

@little stripes: Based on nothing whatsoever, I'd guess it was career anger. That he's lasted 20 years in this business is no menial feat, but he's not A-list and doesn't exactly have a solid body of work to look back over. I can imagine the frustration at trying to get more but only being seen as "Uncle Jessie" or

I'm gonna request the Russian woman pole vaulter who has a great story because she became a pole vaulter after being told she was too tall to be a gymnast and when the American pole vaulter talked trashed, it only motivated her into getting the gold and setting a world record. The fun part is, after she's made it,

@J.D.Regent: Don't you remember? A few years back someone was eavesdropping when she was talking about her marriage to Oprah (yes, Oprah) over lunch and she was saying how John was "so angry all the time." Given that the rumors said she'd bring home women for threesomes, I don't understand his anger either.

@boxingoctopus: Oh, shit. He is still wearing his wedding ring. Forget my sympathy. They deserve to suffer.

@stacyinbean: Sorry, it's on the Yahoo main page so I figured everyone knew.

@FromTheTulleShed: When have we not derided both of them? And this looks like the driveway of someone's home. Granted they should both be savvy enough after those recent nude shots to know better, but that doesn't alleviate the guilt of the person taking it. And I hate that it makes me feel even a little sympathy

Is ShawnJohn gonna get her own posting for finally winning a gold despite the face the judges were being shitty to her because she's not the delicate flower type they prefer?

He's a douche, she's a skank, but this photo is so obviously violating their privacy it makes them sympathetic to me.

Wait, Ellen is 15 years older than Portia? You know if this were a hetero couple where the older person was much more famous and less attractive than the notably younger person what we'd be saying, but I guess the social importance of all this gives it a pass.

I have nothing remotely appropriate to say to this because I am a pig.

@trakkie: @tscheese: We kinda went through this yesterday. We have sacred cows and we have permanent targets. George Clooney is a sacred cow so his continual dating of cocktail waitresses half is age just gets a "tsk, tsk, tsk" while Mayer is a permanent target and though he just dated a more famous woman ten years

@DuchessofHazards: I dunno, it could be her. Everything you say could still be a father daughter situation. Here's a pic: