
She’s not the one running for office dude!

She should’t have to say anything “remotely deep” to convince you of her intellectualism. We all know she is being counseled to keep it quiet unless necessary. I don’t really see what your problem is with how she is presenting herself either. She’s sticking up for her husband and saying a lot of vanilla coated

Larry Wilmore is a perfect example of the prototypical schmuck that gets hired for the job simply because he showed up to the interview.

That mask passes the mustard.

I dropped the show after season 2, not going back to it. Long time book fan. I’m pretty good at avoiding twitter/facebook spoilers since... I don’t use those. But I’m afraid the one who will be posting hard to avoid spoilers will be... Kotaku. Kotaku made sure I was kept updated on where show, sometimes giving the

I will watch despite feeling slightly cheesed that the books haven’t been finished, but really its for two reasons.

You cynical fucks can go fuck yourselves, 60 points on 50 shots is literally the perfect ending to Kobe’s career.

Austin has put on 316 lbs

STONE COLD RETURNS! The day I have been waiting for!

IMO they screwed up possibly the most epic comic book of all time. So instead of saving Doomsday & The Death of Superman until after JL, they just shoehorn ol’ Doomsy in on BvS why? Grrrr. Would have made much more sense!! Then kill of Supes and the world collectively weeps for your magum opus!

I dunno. I find io9's actual reviews to be generally good and even-handed.

I’d have to agree with MistakebytheLake on this one. If you want to have a silly name that may include something marginally offensive (regardless of how little, referencing feces is still considered by some to be offensive), that’s fine in your own private world. If you encounter other people in any way online,

It is an easy criticism, but a valid one. If he named himself Grand Fuck Bear would his level, Pile of Fucks be on the level because its based on his name? It is silly. I have no issue with his use of language but to not expect nintendo to have this issue is shortsighted.

LPT: Don’t base your entire online persona around a slang word for feces.

Character truthers.

Only an asshole would complain about shortcuts and say U instead of YOU.

Straight Up.

I think LeBron’s twitter feed is a passive aggressive inspirational quote bot that’s become sentient.

Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.

I didn’t know balanced meant only telling one side of the story