
Here’s the thing I don’t get — as a Patriots fan, and one who loves Marty.

Sell him high now to another team still in the hunt, call it good. The Texans, the broncos, the Jaguars, any of them will do. But do it now, don’t wait, get those draft picks.

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I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Linda Cohn was suspended for criticizng her employer.

Romero is juiced to the gills, and he cheats on the bench between fights. That’s what he’s known for. You’re welcome.

Many people here are asking “How can you boycott something you already paid for”. To answer this question you first need to understand how this all works.

More words.


The warmonger change is badly needed. Same civ attacks sneak attacks me three times then denounces me as a warmonger.....

The only losers here are the taxpayers of Las Vegas.

The dude who made it just had to study Jezebel for a month.

Of course Kotaku won’t admit it, and will be on the side of the media (for obvious reasons), but the media who attacked Pewdiepie are scared of him. They actually do want to bring him down because the media are scared YouTube is taking over. They’re slowly dying, and they’re grabbing onto any story they can just to

Considering Sapkowski’s disdain for the games, and previous comments, the headline seems a little misleading. He got paid upfront, and even demanded a lump sum instead of being cut in on the backend.

This isn’t someone being screwed over, this is someone being shortsighted and pigheaded.

Like 9/11, Wahlberg would have stopped this from happening. But his child was sick.

The Atlanta Falcons *did* appear to be replaced by crisis actors in the 2nd half.

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I’ve seen this one come up a few times, so I’ll try and lay it out.

Another fascinating story about EVE. I’ll likely never play it, but I do love reading about it.


That’s my gut reaction seeing the lead gif, but after reading the story I’m less sympathetic. Did you watch the video of their previous match? Read Philpot’s tweet? It’s not like Bradley did this to some random opponent, Philpot had been taunting him for a while and there is basically a 100% chance Philpot had some

Mutha Trucking Mass Effect Trilogy. Best way to get hyped for the new adventure!