Mock drafts are a charade within a charade. Fantasy football is fake; mock drafts are fake drafts to prepare for the…
Mock drafts are a charade within a charade. Fantasy football is fake; mock drafts are fake drafts to prepare for the…
Ronda was all out of bubblegum
Maybe because athleticism and being a woman doesn’t mix very well. No one has challenged her effectively because no woman who currently does MMA has her type of mindset which is a man’s mindset. Male athletes strive to be THE BEST IN THEIR FIELD, and so do female athletes, but I’ve SEVEN the rank and file of women…
This passage is complete bullshit.
Yeah, Americans sure love “their” sport that also happens to exist in many other countries. I’m glad the sport of people fighting is an American staple though! Can’t see it anywhere else, nope, just Americans love it.
You are an object lesson in how stunted education in terms of a variety of historical understandings makes us, as a polity, impotent in dealing with questions of race. Either that or you’re trolling (“honest question” too often means “troll”).
Damn, I may have to get the PC version for this alone. I really enjoyed GTAV, but the police system was probably the worst part of the game for me. It just wasn’t really fun and it was frustratingly difficult to escape. I found it pretty frustrating as it’s arguably the series’ most defining mechanic.
This stuff really sounds like dialogue some guy would be speaking into a payphone in the last 20 minutes of a bad mob movie.
I want this to become a thing. Just a general expression of rage at another person with a slight promise of revenge. “Excuse me, are you going through the ten items or less line with 50 cans of cat food? Fuckin Watermelons Comin”
How the hell are those text messages not proof?
HTF does this add up to a finding of only “more probable than not” that they participated in violations of the Playing Rules? This seems more like it amounts to “blatantly, hilariously obvious.”