It’s cute how some Americans think they’re living in a fascist society when, just yesterday, the country held free and fair elections. Maybe they should pick up a dictionary or history book?
It’s cute how some Americans think they’re living in a fascist society when, just yesterday, the country held free and fair elections. Maybe they should pick up a dictionary or history book?
Trump likes pussy. That’s the way the world works man.
Gisele should give Deadspin the same advice.
Everyone knew there was two choices, realistically. Deciding to choose someone else over principle is one of the stupidest choices you can make, because it is essentially a non-choice. You may not like either party or candidate, but you still have to choose one or waste your vote.
Stick to bitching about shitty football teams.
People act like Clinton didn’t have baggage. She’s a cheater, she’s a liar, she’s a criminal, she’s corrupt. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why she lost.
54 million guaranteed? I’d skip those boring ass meeting too
What the fuck deadspin? All anyone talks about anymore is this goddamn election...and now even you doing it? Stick to the FUCKING sports for crying out loud
You guys keep wasting ink on this story. It’s obvious he won’t play this year, Case Keenum closed.
Haha everyone saying Trump is repellent and repugnant. Guess what? The guy likes pussy! That’s the way the world works.
Since when did Deadspin become CNN? Stick to the sports, ya twats.
Those cauldron cookies look like fire
Do a little research and you’ll find that sources close to Belicheck say that Collins is too much a wild-card—always freelancing and not listening to coaching direction. Plus he wants big money. It doesn’t take a genius to put the dots together.
Marshawn Lynch is a good dude. He is very humane. What troubles me is that everyone is so surprised and tickled by that fact. Do we really live in a world where showing some common decency is something that is so rare? Anyone who is “blown away” by how nice Marshawn is must be a fucking douchebag in real life. ‘WOWZ,…
GTA Online is a great game that is sometimes bogged down by modders. It is a great, great crime simulator, the best one out there right now and it continues to improve. Don’t sleep on GTAO—-it is sooooo much better than when it was originally released.
Kudos to them, but I’d love to see them be more aggressive with modders who don’t use those tools for fake money and instead give themselves God-Mode or omnipotent explosives that can reach anywhere on the map. I understand, from a business perspective, why they focus on money glitches primarily though.
People who rag on football without acknowledging all the good the sport is responsible for are the real morons. Bunch’a harpies!