
Hataz gon’ hate hate hate hate hate..

It’s a fake controversy. Don’t be fooled by a loud minority opinion. Everyone I’ve spoken to about Ghostbusters seems mildly interested about the film, and I’m willing to bet that is the experience of 99% people. They certainly aren’t outraged by it.

Take your liberal butthurt back to Gawker.

Someone should tell her about PC master race.

1. 20 million for 3 seasons!? Holy fuck all they do is blab about sports once a week. Fucking insane.

What a bunch of whiny fucking babies. Threatening someone with a knife? I’d make that fucker apologize, in person, preferably to my father or brother or boyfriend. Only a complete retard with no social skills would think that type of rhetoric is acceptable. Fuckers should quit Overwatch, fuckers should just quit at

The best advice is always the simplest.

No one likes a whiner, even if they’re right. “Defeat, however it is qualified, explained, or excused, is odious”.—W.Churchill

Hardcore modders know that purchasing them is necessary since future mods will include these DLC assets.

Fahey isn’t exactly a bastion of quality control. This is a guy who said the Burger King hotdog was “fine”, his standards have been suspect for quite some time now.


These all female reboots are going to bomb, hard. Then Hollywood will revert back to their old formula, for the better.

I have insider knowledge that Bethseda plans to bring back paid mods in the near future. Mod makers who are aware of this development are smart and savvy to protect their investments.

Really? That’s pretty brilliant on their part in regards to their self imposed DRM. People who enjoy mods should just get a PC. I’ve got TWO 470 GTX cards that will allow you to play Fallout 4 all day and I’m selling both of them for 50$. Xbox users looking to build a gaming PC, message me.

I came for the liberal butt hurt. I'm not leaving disappointed

Haha i knew that the Children were not going to go over well with casual fans

Oh ok. I assumed they were from Russia given the name of the game, the jumbled English, and the right-wing homophobia—can you blame me?

Well it’s pretty obvious that they're not Americans, and the rest of the world isn't as progressive as America, so they are probably going to learn the hard way

I think it’s sweet that they bought Luda some condoms so that, consequently, he wouldn’t give any of the freshman groupies a case of the herps. That is smart school administration right there.

Here’s a LPT: If you are, for whatever reason, convinced that a certain segment of society is out to murder you just because you exist, it’s probably a good idea not to fight them and just fucking comply with the orders they give to you.