
Sick of hearing about this game

Are you kidding me? It’s a freaking award show dummy.

You might want to follow up on that story and check your assumptions again.

Kesha be looking f’ugly. Didn’t she bone someone once just because the guy had a beard?

Now you know that ain’t true.

Maybe he said it because no one showed up to the protest

I’m getting really sick and tired of the media telling me how I am supposed to feel about freaking Beyonce. Kara, babydoll, stop with the generalizing, especially considering that is the type of behavior you’re supposedly condemning from the boys in blue.


ugh grammar police are the wrost

If the only way you learn about men is to read rape threads on reddit, you are going to have a skewered perception of them.

CK II is so intimidating at first, but if you push past it, it becomes so fun, so addicting.

IT’S AMAZING! I had the same reservations but I pushed past them. Want to learn how to play? Set the goal of simply surviving three generations and by the time you’re done, you'll have a basic understanding. Pro Tip#1—Educate your own children (heirs).

FYI—There is only one SF Seal Team, Seal Team Six. They were given that name partly because the military wanted to fool other countries into thinking that we had multiple teams, rather than just one.


Howard is so cliche with his picks. Predicting that the undefeated woman’s champion and the fighter with the 10-year win streak will come out victorious? Yah, real insightful commentary.

I think that you are forgetting that we are, indeed, at war with radical Islamic fundamentalists. War is never a nice thing, and you cannot fight one effectively in accordance with liberal policies. The FBI recently encouraged people to step forward if they see something suspicious. The teacher who did this may be an

Reading too much Marxism lately? The pseudo intellectuals on this site never fail to entertain. Go pretend to do something important now.

I agree wholeheartedly. It’s like people still don’t get the concept of corporate greed in this day and age, as if it is some new thing that rolled down the pike last night. Corporations are always going to be greedy, that’s just their thing and you would be a damn fool to not expect them to stoop low for the purpose.

Holy crap that gave me douce chills

Having a certain pigment to your skin doesn’t immediately make you a violent person. Africa has always been a continent that has very little in the way of natural resources. Certain communities even have trouble finding adequate sources of water. For 20,000 years plus, Africans had to work together in order to acquire