Obviously there are other maintenance needs. But $9mil of needs ($750,000 a month) beyond mooring for a machine that isn’t in use seems absurd.
Obviously there are other maintenance needs. But $9mil of needs ($750,000 a month) beyond mooring for a machine that isn’t in use seems absurd.
the crew isn’t provided under the insurance. the crew is required by the insurance.
Remember that scene from “Lord of War”?
Drain them, clean them, make them into reef material.
Your car isn’t worth 300 million dollars.
They seized the boats because the Russian individuals support and have extremely close ties to Putin... who just used his countries military to invade a sovereign country and is currently bombing its civilian infrastructure and relocating it’s people into Russian territory.
They are being maintained (and barely so) in part because they are worth more when auctioned if they aren’t floating piles of rust.
The other poster noticed the important part that gets missed. These particular boat-owners are Putin-partners. They’ve likely been evading sanctions and helping Putin and his cronies evade sanctions and been helping with Putin’s invasion.
the boats were siezed because the owners were on the list of Russians under sanctions. They were under sanctions for having ties to putin.
I’m going to say that any capable person in Russia who hasn’t been arrested or killed trying to eliminate the new Stalin-wannabe is a bad person.
But these boats were seized so the oligarchs would put pressure on Putin, since so few people have any real influence w/ him. He cares about their money, a lot. Hell, he…
I’m picturing getting a boat trailered out to a rough spot in LA and just letting them go to town on it. Like piranhas in old fashioned cartoons; the ship goes from full boat to just a skeleton in like ten minutes.
Creating brand new reef structures on the other hand...
First off, why are we paying to maintain them if they have a crew provided under the insurance? Really, we seized them to screw over those in power back in Russia, just let them freaking rust and rot tied up somewhere and hand over the remains if that time comes or auction them off whenever enough time has passed. The…
So... it’s going back to normal after all the hullabaloo? xD
Gamestop can’t even properly deliver your pre-orders now even if you did order them in person. Seriously, a lot of people are showing up with their receipts showing that they did in fact definitely pre-order a game, but ‘Sorry, it’s not in our computer’. So that’s yet one another reason to just dump Gamestop and order…
Sounds like its turning into a Spencer’s
There was a point a couple (few?) years ago where they seemed to be making a concerted effort to carry a pretty comprehensive retro selection as well as new stuff, I’d guess in an effort to more fully compete with local game stores. I actually bought quite a few old PS1 and PS2 games through their website for a steal…
I believe you’ll find the vast majority of responses to your question will be “No.”
Gamestop doesn’t even allow me to pre-order physical games for store pickup anymore unless I do it in person. I like to pick up games on release day but I don’t want to have to go into the store just to pre-order them so I have switched to BestBuy.