Son of Spam

Insert Ben Stiller made a movie about reality bites comment that I’m not good enough to put together.

That song deserved a good music video. That wasn’t a good music video.

I am not aware of this, but I certainly can picture Monica Lewinsky holding her own. I’m glad people are coming around to seeing how impressive she is.

I’m honestly surprised that this movie, with two recognizable stars, isn’t going to theaters. Different times indeed.

That’s fair and may be true. I assumed that she was just “Halloweening” the uniform up with an emo/goth look.

I was just basing my assumptions off the scene when Shauna said that the uniform was Jackie’s and Cassie’s reaction came off as sincere. It felt like an honest mom, daughter conversation before they started

Cassie dressed as a dead member of a team her mom belonged to. Is that passive aggressive, or are we now purely aggressive aggressive?

Exact same reason on my end. Maybe it’s time for me to check it out.

I agree with that. Hoffman was great. I should say that while the movie underwhelmed, I still remember being entertained it. Bad Spielberg is still levels above most directors.

Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of articles (on this site and elsewhere) about how underrated certain mediocre movies are from late 90's/early 00's movie. My reaction is consistently “That movie??” And 2002 Scooby-Doo is one of them.
I’m not picky about movies, and I’m willing to listen to pieces like whether, let’s

We have a winner. That movie’s so disappointing that I totally forgot about it being a Spielberg film until you mentioned it.

i didn’t watch his horse movie, but am I right to think it deserves mention?

Same reaction for me. I only found out that people loved the movie when I discovered the online adoration of Rufio. I had to look him up because I’ve forgotten about that character.

That was my impression when I watched it ( I was in high school), but the cult status of Rufio among 30-something means that the kids really dug it, imo.

Lol, I appreciate the tenacity. I probably shouldn’t ask how old you were when Hocus Pocus came out.

It’s not a good movie, certainly my least favorite Spielberg film. My take away is that the kids who watched it have now grown up and are able to write fond memories and glowing reviews of the movie based on their childhood experiences.

I wonder, what is the best well-received US live action adaptation of an anime or manga? My brain instantly goes to Edge of Tomorrow, but I’m probably forgetting another film.

I’m deliberately ignoring The Lion King because that’s a whole new can o’worms.

I thought it was Tilda Swinton. She can be quite the chameleon.

It’s crazy that the Elf on the Shelf tradition started on a mid-2000's picture. I thought it was an old Americana tradition.

It also makes sense that I have no idea what the rules are because it started when I was in my mid-20's. And I won’t be bothered to start another complicated Christmas activity. The Santa thing

Wait, Peacock’s tag line is “Can’t Not Watch”? An ad company was actually paid good money to come up with that.

This is my first time hearing a Grimes song and it is exactly how I expected it to sound.