Son of Spam

Saying this on a publicity tour of Cabaret where he portrays The Emcee is an interesting side note.

(It’s possible No Time To Die might get unseated by West Side Story or No Way Home before year’s end.

As a person with a sister who has struggled with mental health her whole life, I feel like this sudden burst of freedom mirrors the part when a person will have an outburst and vent without any filter.

Britney has a huge spotlight on her and I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be emotional words that will create

I feel the same way. The series is beautifully shot and the sets are amazing, but casting is a problem. For every Lee Pace and Demerzel (and a few more recognizable and good actors), there are some comically bad acting from a lot of central characters.

The Terminus scenes are a tough watch because it’s a lot of SYFY

Is “Duncan Idaho” better or worse? I can’t tell.

Now playing

I’m surprised that Flash Gordon isn’t included. It’s eminently watchable, with great music, along with the bad acting and ridiculous dialogue.

I’m curious if Glover will do it. I know that a paycheck is a paycheck, but Glover leans on the opposite end of Mel’s problematic political beliefs.

As a kid who grew up in a family that worshiped everything Elvis, I already know this is going to me a lot of cringe and fun for me.

Right? Someone call Phil Collins.

I’ve known about NNN for a few years now and it’s been a good source of solid jokes and twitter memes every November, but reading this post made me think for the first time that actual people really participate in this? Why? Hasn’t 2021 done enough?

Eh, that’s the Phantom Menace year.

I actually assumed that the headline was being sarcastic until I read the first paragraph.

The way he described that Cast Away shoot just made me want to drive 6 hours to the beach today.


I was very confident that the answer was Roddy Ricch until I googled the name. I’m so out of touch with new music.

If I may add another thing for him to hurdle to win, his last name.

I have honestly never heard of this show until reading this article.

Kevin Spacey probably.

I remember loving The Piano and this new trailer made me realize that I’ve skipped on quite a few of Campion’s films. I now want to remedy that.

Okay, Mac.