I was already looking forward to this, but the trailer boosted my anticipation to another level.
I was already looking forward to this, but the trailer boosted my anticipation to another level.
Man, it’s too soon. It really is.
That would’ve made it a much more meaningful to watch and a more engaging question to raise. This documentary sounds sounds gross and intrusive and something to stay far away from.
There it is. I’ve seen Presidio. But that was a looong time ago and I don’t remember much of it (or if any). I only remember that movie because of my SF roots. At least that’s one thing I’ve seen that he was in.
I’m with you. I guess my vastly overrated description is because of how big it is now. Like everyone is treating like Pulp Fiction. And yes, you are right, it’s because I see the amplification everywhere on social media. I still enjoyed it.
The twist was disappointing and, yes, you are right. It ruined that devastating…
Is this a good show? I’m intrigued by Lewinsky’s involvement, but I don’t want to get stuck watching a middling drama series.
You’re likely correct. I grew up in a house with stacks of entertainment, news magazines and tabloids, so 12 year old me most likely wasn’t paying attention to the publication dates.
The twist took me out of it, but it’s not a huge complaint because I was treating it like a popcorn series to away from work.
This is a case of good marketing and the power of word of mouth hype. I did not think this show would be HUGE. I thought the series was just fun, watchable show with a badly written plot twist.
I clicked to watch the series because I saw friends on social media making joke references from the show that first weekend…
I’m in that no man’s land age where I was a bit too young for St. Elsewhere (born in 1976) and, well, still not in the age demo for NCIS. But I was definitely familiar with his name and face.
I know him as that guy who made People Sexiest Man cover and my sister had the magazine. I remember thinking that he’s the People’s SM who I thought (and I could be wrong) wasn’t “movie star famous.”
I guess I’m beginning to expose myself here with my tv watching (don’t judge me). I’ve watched a lot of stuff, but admittedly not The West Wing. I think because I was a working college student at that time and didn’t have the time.
Yes, I know NCIS has a huge following. Just not in my circle. I’ve also never seen The Masked Singer and The Voice (but I’ve seen clips of The Voice on social media), but I’m aware of them. Nothing against the shows, just haven’t watched them.
Oh, I’m aware that NCIS is very popular. I just don’t know anyone among my friends or family who watches it. Though I’m sure my mom has channel surfed it many times in the past.
I’ve also lived in and out of the US (to Mexico and Asia) in the past 13 years, so that may be a factor.
KFC, mate. That’s the where the spirit of Japan Christmas is.
The word “apples” just had a whole new meaning to me.
I just realized that even though I’ve known of Mark Harmon since the 80's from magazine covers and mentions in shows like ET, I’ve actually never seen him act. He’s just been around in the outskirts of pop culture articles, but I have zero idea what his voice sounds like (I’m guessing low-ish?).
I can’t think of any…
Bloodshot? Come on now. I get the need to balance the list after some (excellent) A24 picks, but Bloodshot was ...very bad.
Was posting a picture of the offending mural on the article that difficult?
I love how you can sense the make up artists trying to balance between aging Claire and Jamie while retaining their conventional hotness for the viewers.