Son of Spam

Every year, I see a social media post greeting Magic Johnson on his birthday and I am so glad he’s still around and healthy.

I still remember where I was when I heard that Magic has HIV. I was in a school hallways and it felt like everyone was stunned. We assumed that getting HIV was a death sentence. I’m glad that he

Nah, as a brown guy, if I’m in Texas and I see someone who I suspect is a crazy white guy with a knife, I’m turning the fuck around.

I consider 21st century Cage movies to me as gigs that he takes to pay off massive debts after living the life of 90's excess and gaudy purchases. I tend to avoid them unless word of mouth is really, really good.

I once went to an INXS concert during the dawn of 90's grunge rock. Watching the crowd try to mosh pit to INXS’ saxophone and Hutchence’s ice cool voice was hilariously entertaining.

Physically, Holyfield looks fantastic for a 59 year old guy. I wish I had that build and I’m in my 40's, BUT fighting a pro fight at that age is just plain stupid.
He’d be better off doing movie cameos looking fit a la Wilt Chamberlain in Conan and he’s hear paper compliments like “I bet he could still be a champ.”

That name sounded familiar, so I looked her up. The kid from Sleepless in Seattle? Man, I feel ancient now.

Martin Short’s character also wondered the same thing. It’s explained in the show.

I’m still surprised that pretty much everyone but him knew that including Kid Rock was a mistake.

Over the years, this question has been asked, “what current level of fame + fortune would be acceptable and enjoyable?” I’ve always thought a benchwarmer NBA player would be good because you’re earning millions, lots of traveling and access to events, you stay in peak physical shape, but can still walk around place

Special exemptions aside, I don’t understand why I keep reading about Americans, who do believe in the vaccine, still have not been fully vaccinated.

You’re absolutely correct. It’s been so long since the good films, that I glazed over the fact that his great movies are the ones with melancholy and bittersweetness (Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Batman Returns, etc). Despite the gray tones, Addams Family is just joyous. See, now you made me nervous that this is going

You’re not wrong, but that said, if there’s a franchise that’s tailor made for Tim Burton, it’s The Addams Family. It’s 100% his aesthetic.

That Other Two trailer made take a deep dive into how to pronounce “moleskine.” I’ve been using the brand for over a decade and always pronounced it “mol-eh-skin-uh,” but I may be wrong? Or is this a case of how “porsche” is pronounced “porsh” in the US?

Anyway, that’s what I got from the trailer. Carry on.

I watched the Kristen Stewart’s Diana trailer right after reading this. And, yep, the slowed down “Perfect Day” played right on cue.

Or how about just get dimsum. Roughly the same size and with enough variety to keep everyone happy.

I had to look his height up because I was surprised he was promoted as NBA tall. I was expecting it was a typical movie exaggeration, but it turns out he’s only 5'10 (a good height, but not Michael Jordan tall).

I live in a part of Mexico with a lot of US and Canadian expats, so I tend to switch to “soccer” and “football” a lot because it can be confusing in a group of Mexicans and US folks. I also find a lot of Mexican friends are NFL fans, so I use “soccer” with them sometimes to differentiate between futbol and football.

He’s no innocent. He worked for a paramilitary organization under the guise of a science expedition where many involved needlessly died due to the color of their garb.

Wait, this is a season 2 trailer? I didn’t even know this show existed until this article, which is crazy because the cast is loaded. Rachel, Elle Woods, Michael Scott, BatManuel... insane.

Man, I loved this film. When it came out in my little corner of the world, nobody seemed to like it. I think it lasted only 3 days in the theaters. It became my own favorite niche sc-fi film that everybody forgot about.