Son of Spam

I couldn’t stand Cisco when The Flash started out. I pegged him as the annoying, overacting character that I would have to tolerate just to get through the show because “Holy shit, The Flash has a tv show!”

Now, Cisco’s the one guy I enjoy watching on the show. He’s just that fun character who’s having a blast while

That picture. Mike, what is you doin?

Mike Myers portraying an old man here looks better than actual old man Mike Myers.

I was going to quickly scroll through this then close the tab and probably never watch the movie until I saw “Renny Harlin.” That’s an automatic watch for me.

Rydell High would like a word.


All the way to Baja Sur. As a guy based in the middle of Mexico, I can say that that family travels FAST.

They really whiffed on the casting of Lana’s firefighter husband. He just can’t shut off the unlikeable douche vibe even during the dad/daughter scenes, which bogs down the story whenever the plot needs us to feel sorry for him.

So, I went in too check the intro and now I’m 47 minutes into the documentary. It’s great! And I don’t even watch or play hockey.

As an American raising a family in Mexico, you just made me wonder how Mexico would’ve managed after the collapse of the US and the rise of Gillead.

I’m glad you spoke up before it becomes a thread of guys commenting and minimizing the scene. I’m just here to support what you said.

Only the ending? More like 2 hours and 28 minutes of it.

He knows how to play a great silent, gentle, yet physically strong character. I guess a good comparison would be the late great Michael Clarke Duncan.

Army was shite, but Bautista has clearly displayed potential with roles from Guardians, Blade Runner 2049, and the aforementioned Army, but someone at WB better cast him as Bane (he’s perfect) before he gets lured into prestige yet miscast roles for the cred.

I know next to nothing about football/soccer, but that trailer reminded me that I once was captivated by Roberto Baggio as a kid during the World Cup. It’s like a forgotten memory that came back and I’m now amused by the fact that I thought a guy with a a mullet + long ponytail was so very cool. He was that good.

I certainly have my problems with Snyder films, but I still thought that he may be effective in a certain low brow genre given his experience, etc. Sort of like a Michael Bay (not a fan either, but I see the skill).

Going in, I felt I may hate it, but he must have something in his bag to make it watchable, but I was

You know, maybe I was totally wrong. That does make sense. I guess we’ll have to see in the finale. So many loose ends to tie up in one episode.

That kind of set up can still fit a narrative. But the idea that she secretly came back for the pills off-screen after declining it, which may have led to her crashing by the tub is a huge stretch.

Yes. She paused, thought about it, then declined and turned away. It showed a character arc instead of just being the one note junkie mom for the whole series.

I’m angry at myself for reading your theory. I know it’s not a spoiler, but sounds highly plausible and if it were so, I wanted to be fully stunned at the reveal. If you are right, damn you and well done.