Son of Spam

It appears the Masturbating Bear is still bitter about being left off his cast.

I agree. Obviously I don’t know what exactly happened behind the scenes, but that appears to be the case in my opinion.

I couldn’t care less about the Zack Snyder and his nutty Snyderverse fans, but I do feel for an actor who had his big comic book movie shot taken away because of studio creative control. I do hope he gets a chance to reprise the role somehow.

Were Michael Dudikoff’s arms ever that big? That’s an Arnold level bicep.

He was at a near unstoppable career peak before Waterworld and The Postman. Has there been a movie or two that just surprisingly derailed a superduperstar actor? I can only think of Last Action Hero, but Arnold rebounded with True Lies after that (and then a steady downward trend post-True Lies success.) And unlike

I was ready to be angry going into the article, but it seems like an honest “three” gesture.

It’s been easy to be outraged these days because we’ve all seen pictures of law enforcers and prominent people subtlely throw that white supremacy gesture and then pretend that we all imagined it.

Given the mental state of this world, I feel like a pair of Saucony shoes that was stranded on the ship will sell at a ridiculously high price online.

Did — did you just call Laura Linney dull? I will accept no such slander.

I know, right? Imagine writing an article about Stephen Spielberg or Martin Scorcessy.

I can’t believe the white woman who was 1978 Miss Universe from apartheid era South Africa would say something so racist and ignorant. What is this world coming to?


Sold. Even during my younger years being raised in a Catholic background, I’ve always wondered about the gap period between the crucifixion and creation of the New Testament.

There’s a Dark Ages-like mystery to how Christ followers and apostles turned a small desert cult into this global behemoth of a church. The

I’m going to start using “50% fan fic” to describe it and annoy some relatives.

Yet another case of why defunding the police is the best idea. The mom, worried for her abused daughter, needed to call a person trained for these kinds of cases WHO IS NOT THE POLICE.

I didn’t know that this movie existed. I think I was busy moving to another country when it came out. Seymour Hoffman, Lumet, Hawke and Tomei is right in my wheelhouse and discovering of its existence in 2021 is like found gold.

Looks as stylish as an 80's porn set funded by a Trump friend, but with wheels.

Those finishes and seats have the feel of a secret portal to dirty coins and pringles crumbs.

Nah, man. Stick him in “It’s a Small World” for the duration of the trip. That song will be trapped in his head for years.

KINJA!! Still works. Their names get misspelled so often that everyone gets it. Isiah was listed with an “eighties 6'1" which yeah, is pretty much around 5'10.

I had to look his height up. He’s 6'4. Not short, but also 5 inches shorter than Bird. They’re going to have to cast shorter actors (and film with props and angles) around him.