“Isiah Thomas.”
Isaiah is another good NBA player, but nowhere near as good as Isiah, much, much younger and got his name from the original guy because his dad lost an 80's sports bet.
“Isiah Thomas.”
Isaiah is another good NBA player, but nowhere near as good as Isiah, much, much younger and got his name from the original guy because his dad lost an 80's sports bet.
Scrolled down to see if anyone saw what I saw. Glad to read this.
How does a writer even forget and mislabel “French Lick”?
The Hick from SALT Lick?? Do you even basketball?
Yeah, it’s a skit, but Colbert actually looks 10x better than Eiesenberg better as Luthor. Colbert has shown his acting skills before, so dial down the comedy and he’d actually be a more convincing Luthor too.
Also, say what you will about Snyder’s DC films (and it’s a lot), his main strength has been casting the right…
I wonder how the Drew Barrymore show’s numbers compare to Ellen’s now.
Lol, I just read your comment right after I wrote almost the same thing down to the “my King Kong” line. I haven’t seen it since the 80's and I’m aware that age has made me cynical with movie quality, but he was my Kong too (that death scene with his eyes and last heartbeat is forever haunting). Though Sean Connery’s…
This was my King Kong and I absolutely loved it. Being a kid growing up in the 80's, I wasn’t aware of the criticisms. To me, the kid without the grownup filter, it was to me pure spectacle with a heart. In my 7 year old eyes, the effects and score were amazing and I was always absolutely crushed during Kong’s death…
No thanks to Jobu. They did it themselves.
I believe it was called Deadly Pursuit where I grew up too (Philippines). Berenger is a guy who I thought would have a bigger career. He had the look and the acting chops.
Michael Beihn is another guy who I thought would be a star.
Ironside, Powers Boothe and Rutger Hauer where just intimidating dudes.
Damn, I had to look that one up. Amazing. (hat tip)
Lol, absolutely. Though I had a feeling I was forgetting another role that left a mark and it was Major League. He’ll forever be a grizzled, limping vet (sports or war) to me.
It’s an easy reference for me because I’ll forever associate Tom Berenger with Platoon. He was excellent in that film.
I was too young to realize that. Good point.
Lies! 1992 was only 10 years ago.
But did you secure the musical rights for it?
Every time Robin Williams is mentioned, I still feel a tinge of sadness. I wonder when that will go away. It’s been 7 years and I don’t even know the guy.
I don’t see it. Imagine losing a court fight, that they started, to Justin Bieber.
Good catch. I read that story when it came out, but it’s been a while.