I see that The Commission’s agents graduated from the prestigious Stormtrooper Sharpshooting Academy.
I see that The Commission’s agents graduated from the prestigious Stormtrooper Sharpshooting Academy.
is it just me or is Jesse Plemons looking more and more like Philip Seymour Hoffman? Maybe just me because PSH was an acting titan and it seems like an unfair comparison, but I keep seeing it now.
It doesn’t help that he’s continued to choose interesting off kilter roles in impressive shows/films. To think, I used to…
As a guy who grew in the city where Duterte made his mark as the longtime mayor, I would describe him as “Vile.” I have other words for him, but I’ll keep it PG.
I don’t speak Swedish and I’m very not Norwegian, but I did notice some American accent stumbling out of their words. It’s a safe guess that it must drive viewers who are native speakers nuts.
No need to remember the release date. Pretty sure twitter will remind me when this series is on. This has all the elements of top trending topic (sex cults, Epstein level creepiness, Smallvile links) once it’s out.
I spent a full year in the late 90's wearing the tiniest sunglasses that barely protected my eyes, just so I could look a fraction as “cool” as anyone in the Matrix.
I did stop at wearing a trenchcoat because, even as a pretentious art school kid in San Francisco, I knew that there was NO WAY I could pull that shit…
That makes sense. One thing’s for sure, a lot of artists are having a difficult time creating and experiencing creative blocks lately too.
That makes sense. One thing’s for sure, a lot of artists are having a difficult time creating and experiencing…
Ipads can be a pro tool too. I’ve been working full time as book illustrator for 16 years now, and 2/3 of that time with my trusty Wacom intuos, but I’ve since switched to an ipad and have been enjoying its mobility and ease.
Ipads can be a pro tool too. I’ve been working full time as book illustrator for 16 years now, and 2/3 of that time…
He’s also found a way to make a decent profit. He’s known to stay under budget and now releases his films to select cities with tie-ins to his brand. He’s clearly not the best director by far (Yoga Hosers was awful), but he’s always had a solid fan base that know that they’re getting is silly fun and bad acting.
See, now I want one country to commission a statue of a horse on a guy.
You should probably stop thinking about our movie icons with your cursed powers. I suggest thinking about more important matters like the president.
Speaking of editing. Man, they didn’t even bother hiding the stuntman’s face in multiple shots in that clip.
Thank you. Really interesting replies. I will have to definitely check it out.
I’ve also recently finished Broadchurch and I would love to see more Olivia Colman.
Is the series any good? When it started, I deliberately avoided it because I assumed it was just a tv show that was an adaptation of British royalty gossip. The kind of tabloid stories that I am allergic to.
But it keeps winning awards and accolades (and I know Olivia Colman is an impressive actress). Is it more than…
I didn’t know that. I could’ve done a simple google search, but I assumed they were both shot in Vancouver. I guess not.
Thank you. We finally found a show we both can really nerd out on.
I didn’t know Stargirl was shot in Georgia. It was wild guess, but thanks for the info.
Great show and an actual series that mt 10 year old daughter and I can both enjoy. She watched this episode before me and I was wondering why she was a bit sad about it. Now I now.
Also, is it possible that the curved hallway tunnel is actually Star Labs retrofitted to the show? It looks like it minus the faux brick…
I could’ve said the exact same thing about Henry Jr. and his one note angsty acting in the past episodes, but he won me over in this one episode. I’d give Rick a shot. There’s more left to his arc.
Success kid seems like a good kid. Congrats, Success Parents.
I did get that sense when I watched the trailer.
My thought was that this was a “paycheck” job by Tom Hanks. And since it’s an Apple TV film, he can be excused for winging it and use his clout to exercise his screenwriting muscles.
I was surprised to read here that it was actually made as a big studio, theatrically…