Son of Spam

I read that in Robin’s voice.

That scene where the camera has the viewer (and Cindy)are facing the mirror and sees a reflection of Stargirl flying towards the window —- and then, the camera swings quickly to show Stargirl crashing into the room was very, very impressive.
My second thought was that it’s a shame that the show is moving to CW next

Hold on, this isn’t a budget movie for streaming tv? It’s a whole damn series? With multiple episodes? OOF.

Set aside the inherent racism here, what I’m still confused by is that with all the Karen videos and news happening, why do they not walk away once a phone is on them? Must be that impressive combo of white privilege and unbelievable stupidity.

Kristy Swanson also showed up late to join the crazy right wing duo with Ben Stein.

And then there is Jeffrey Jones, who was thankfully left off the invites.

Shit like this is why Veep had to hang it up and The Onion needs to get even more creative. There’s no competing with the real world nowadays.

Welp, I now don’t know how to explain to people that I have a strange new obsession for the duo that did the Ferris Bueller song. They more than that, dammit!

Yeah, I figured it was some song. And yes, it’s a weird choice to list it.

Hold on. “Academy Award winner Common”? What did I miss?

I cringe at the thought of Jimmy Fallon interviewing him instead.

Wait, what?! We’ve all been singing it wrong!

Involving animal crackers.

It’s funny that I stumbled upon this article because my 10 year old daughter was just talking about the jingle yesterday. And I wondered how she knew it.

For context, we live in a small town in central Mexico, we don’t own a tv, and she has yet to see a Simpson episode (or a Batman movie for that matter). She’s still

Baby, that’s where it’s at.

“royalty-free Trent Reznor soundtrack”

Thanks. This makes me understand the show more as well as confuses me even more. Which seems right.

I see your Billy and Casey and raise you an Eric Stoltz.

I had to look up her filmography after  reading this piece and you are absolutely right. I also found it interesting that a year after co-starring with Elvis, she’s in a film with Frank Sinatra -- in the 50's to boot. 

I’ve seen this film numerous times (my dad was a huge Elvis fan with a collection of his movies) and it took me into my 40's and reading this av club article to realize that the stunning actress in this film was Morticia Addams.

I’m confused. Your complaint is about a spoiler from 2013?