Son of Spam

I’m 100% with you. The podcast and the travel shows are my favorite of his works. The late night gig seems to be just there to showcase Vintage Conan for the traditional tv audience.

This late night metric of success is exactly what Conan is trying to get away from. It’s quite forward thinking of him to branch out into a tremendously successful podcast and other side projects (Conan without Borders, live performances etc).

You have to give him props for knowing that the late night standard was

If Bill Laimbeer and Ted Cruz had a child...

Was he within...

I honestly tried to think of one. And while I’ve been intrigued at grown up trends that I’ve missed out on like online dating, I’ve couldn’t think of one for my childhood.

My add: I’m Afraid of Americans” and “Bullet the Blue Sky”

Now playing

“But there’s now a non-zero chance that it will emerge in southeast Asia”

“I know he didn’t know it — and I know he meant well by it.”
Even a Barstool official apology is still too Barstool.

All good. I can see how the topic can be mixed up with a very similar debate regarding solely profiting off fan art.

Because it’s not just about the image, but the artist’s skill. Crediting the artist can lead to opportunities. An editor or publisher might notice the work and might want to hire the artist to illustrate a chapter book and that opens up a new door for them.

You shouldn’t have included a photo of your couch on your Airbnb page.

You just know there’s one guy in his writing staff who’s a big comic geek and insisted on the Daredevil mask because it’s in New York. Meanwhile, someone else is insisting that the Loki helmet looks cooler though.

Same. I love movies and enjoy comic books (a huge reason why I chose illustration a a profession), but I definitely skipped huge chunks of the X-franchise. I don’t even know if I’ve seen the Ryan Reynolds’ silent Deadpool version in that X-Men film. It’s possible that I’ve only seen the online clips and “think” I’ve

That actually does help. Lol. Apparently, I’ve only seen one Wolverine film (Logan). Apparently, I’ve only seen bits and pieces of the other two Wolverine films and The Last Stand on either youtube or hotel room channel surfing -- which may be for the best.

I have to admit, I can’t tell most of the X-Men movies apart. They all feel like the same movie to me or are simply just too forgettable. I was amazed by the list on this site (or maybe it was io9) ranking the Fox/X-Men movies because I couldn’t remember most of them and I know I watched them all.

Considering Aunt May and Ma Kent went to Marisa Tomei and Diane Lane, Alfred might end being Jon Hamm.

Wait, which is the racist part? I only see the sexist part.

But Ruiz could obviously care less.”

The Vox article also gives too much credence to the supposed remains of Arsinoe, Cleopatra’s half-sister. But the remains were of a 14-15 year old girl of (probable) African descent.