Son of Spam

I don’t know. To me, it looks like 2 very different films stylistically about dia de los muertos. It was inevitable that Coco would be compared to Book of Life but I can see that cultural theme of being a draw for animators and writers. Being an American living in Central Mexico, I’ve seen different variants of it and

I love Pixar, but that felt a little too Shrek-y. And that’s not a good thing.

Really? Off the top of my head: “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me”, “It’s a Miracle”, “Time”, “Love is Love.”

So he and Nick Bosa are now playing for both Bay Area based teams? Shiit.

I mean... yeah. Sure, I’ll be ripped apart like tissue paper, but...

You’re going to need a library of just The Princess Bride because of all the standout quotes.

I feel like that’s what happens when your address is listed as combo of Ozark AND Alabama.

Hands off Canadian Larry Bird!

I wouldn’t know. He’s huge basketball fan from way back ( I used to joke that he had the weirdest favorite players in high school: Danny Ainge, Mookie Blaylock, Sarunas), but he’s also the type who wouldn’t go out of his way to access NBA games. He lives in Turkey and we chat NBA constantly and Has no problem watching

And the Clippers are LA’s team now. We live in the Upside Down.

Somehow, white folks here saying what should and shouldn’t be offensive to Asian Americans is so 2019.

It’s always been Schumacher and Synder’s fault.

I actually asked about this to a buddy who lives in Istanbul. Somehow, he can watch Blazers games and was actually watching the game on NBA TV.

Because Jesus was a beautiful blue eyed white boy, you guys.

So, he’s the reverse Doc Rivers then.

When I first saw this video, I personally enjoyed reading all the comments from his fans saying how awesome the video was. It was a mix of confusion and entertainment.

It’s crazy how young Larry Bird overlapped with the classic Celtics. He even played with Dave Cowens and Tiny Archibald. And though not a pantheon Celtics guy, it’s weird to think that Pistol Pete was once his teammate too.

I’m surprised Donald Duck gifting his nephews with cigars didn’t make the cut.

I remember seeing Frou Frou live with my then gf (now wife) at a small San Francisco bar in the early 2000's. She was obsessed with the band and her Frou Frou favorite song was “Shh.”

Benedict Cumberbatch, on the other hand, is textbook pairing of name and face.