Son of Spam

Last I checked, yes. But you never know with the Billy Corgan Experience.

I was prepared to hate it. Mostly because of everything that Billy Corgan is today. Then I started bobbing my head and liking it. DAMMIT.

I agree and still enjoyed it. I think it’s time that we shouldn’t expect pantheon films from every hyped big budget movie franchises.

A good portion of the audience who watched this in their prime are probably dead now.”

Not leading with it, but using John and Paul Came Together” would’ve been subtly perfect.

The Beatles with 80's hair fashion would be disturbing.

Nah, man, after A Quiet Place, I’m in for Jim. Plus, I’m a sucker for Jack Ryan tales.

Or replace Ben Affleck as Batma-- oh, right.

As a longtime Celtic fan who followed Reggie Lewis’ career and tragic death, I totally understand why the league is being cautious.

I can’t hate on Kevin Smith. He just comes off as a good dude. Can’t say the same about Millar though.

Nah, he was the same pussy even at the height of his powers. “Republicans buy shoes too.”

Between DC Super Hero Girls and Teen Titans Go comics, my 8 year old daughter is superhero comic book nuts now. I love it. She’s obsessed with Katana and Mr. Miracle now.

“Hildafolk” looks right up her alley too.

I’m surprised that Tazmanian Devil is ranked so low. He’s ridiculously funny with Bugs.

You know, since I live in Mexico, I’m now on a mission to ask the local of what their perception of Speedy Gonzalez is.

So Michigan J. Frog is the Bobba Fett of the Looney Tunes universe? I’d buy that.

Anyone who decides to move out of Oklahoma city for the SF Bay Area while being a single super-millionaire in his mid-20's won’t get any complaint from me. Just deep seated jealousy.

Trump is loud, obnoxious white man with a weird looking mullet and a KCF and coke soda addiction who is constantly fixated on the tv and social media.

He also can’t spell, has a boner for foreign accented women, but wouldn’t be able to point out 3 foreign countries in a map if his life depended on it.

This take is

I have to find this. Thank you.

Brb, going to urban dictionary to look up “Eskimo brothers”.

I like it.