Son of Spam

Does this guy have a nickname yet? Hard screen Harry?

Same. I’m a book illustrator by trade and I use Instagram to follow artists that I admire as well as art museums that are adept at social media.

I also find that comments on figure drawing posts (or anything risque) is much better on instagram. On facebook, the juvenile minded friends and relatives tend to show up and

Well that escalated quickly.

I’ve never been to Tennessee, but that looks exactly how I’d imagine a day at a Tennessean pool looks like.

My mind went straight to the first minutes of Joe vs the Volcano.

Damn, you just described my dad game. 

Worldwide comb over.

Was he seen as an alleged asshole though? He was cast as the fun, happy go lucky 1B star to Larry Bird’s serious, trash talking 1A superstar. People loved to interview him.

As a lifelong Celtic fan who grew up cheering for late era, 3 point shooting McHale (and took over the team when Bird went down in ‘89), I can’t believe I starred this.

Binch, please.

OR she reveals that he’s no longer “William” but a Host.

Nah, he clearly slipped and it was an accident.
That dangerous shove on Al Horford though.... never forget.

When the Celtics were up 2-1 in the series and everyone was still assuming a Finals appearance, I told a buddy not to laugh, but a Jeff Green game scares me. He’s liable for one fluke game. Of course, it had to happen at a Game 7.

Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. I also admit that, though I am aware of Wu-Tang, I won’t pretend to know much about their specific works.

Sorry, can’t tell if you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me. I’m just a tad more protective of bunching Asians together even if it’s pop culture cool. I still love the show though.

I must have missed it, but it needs to be mentioned that the fascination with kung fu and the pop culture surrounding it is NOT Japanese.

I feel it it to be mentioned about the irony of D’antoni doing this.

Too refined. The Trompolinis won’t get it.

Their only chance is for one great Jeff Green game. But he’s so streaky that one good game this series is the most they can ask of him.

Ok, JR.