Son of Spam

Wait, this episode was (relatively) disappointing too?
I very much enjoyed this and last week’s episode. Man, you guys are tough crowd.

The answers to all of your questions is “algorithm”.
Also, because “Speed Force”.

Yeah, “Remember Me” won an Oscar, but “Recuerdame” is a superior version.

In this day and age of instagram and youtube, none of these Reverse Einsteins have a picture of them taking a selfie or bungie jumping off the edge of the earth. I feel dirty even commenting about this.

“There are too many people in the HOF.” Yes!

Too soon!

Tbh, I really liked what I saw in that clip. Which is why I’m not an NBA GM because Paxson or Colangelo would fleece my team with my scouting instincts.

I admire this effort. When this article pops up on my facebook feed, I will certainly give it a Like.

You must be Jogie.

Jesus Christ.

I, for one, know that Trump is disappointed that he let down people Mar A Lago because there’s a yuge party this weekend and they paid top dollar to see him. Also, the golf course. He made the golf course sad. Stormy sad.

Well, since she was ”fucking in high school”.

Not that there needs to be a list, but I imagine Win Butler from Arcade Fire topping the rock list and Arne Duncan making the top 20 (?) on the politics side.

Hoping they screen a fun, harmless animated movie about talking food called “Sausage Party”.

As a comic book reader back in the 80's, is it weird that I’m surprised that Black Lightning is very unknown these days? I knew more of him than the Green Arrow and thought he looked cool.

Penny Dreadful not getting any love during its run is the hill I choose to die on.

Which Ball? The one playing or the alleged GOAT?