Because they are hairy elephants?
Because they are hairy elephants?
It sounded like one of them fancy words writer's' use, so I let it be.
Still see it in San Francisco all the time.
"writers's?" Really?
ZOMG! Unicorns! Dragons! Screw y'all, they were real.
Camel Toe.
You made WI red? Ballsy move. It's been trending blue all year with no trouble.
Fyi: I'm far from the closeted paranoid dude that thinks the world's going to shit. I'm just submitting a plausible reality sometime down the line when the weapon becomes accessible & easily smuggled to a metropolis in say, Manila or Izmir. But I also do think this thing's an inevitable progression in technology…
No, but lunatics are known to frequent safe countries as I've been told.
Picture commercial airplanes & a weapon that doesn't need much accuracy to hit a target.
Aw, he has two daddies. This gospel according to Luke is alright with me.
You could argue that Alex Ross' "Kingdom Come" & his other Big 4 books had a real world approach & they were successful interpretations. There are different ways to tell a story. That is the challenge & the reward.
I haven't read the article yet, but who the fuck says no to that headline?
Easy. "It's only a theory." That's been their auto-response bread&butter excuse.
Serves me right for clicking the clip without reading first. Dammit.
Kali Ma Shakti de!
I'm picturing an 80's type montage while Noah & family collect the animals. Complete with soaring Journey music.
maybe he did or maybe it was Blue Steel. We'll never know.