Son of Spam

Granted it's an American concept, It never crossed my mind as a kid watching the show on the opposite end of the globe from the US. It just made me want a jetpack & flying car. Plus, it's totally acceptable that the show was inspired by the Cold War space race.

Vambies, I prefer. Sounds cuddlier.

Thanks for the tip. I just "found" it.

Hah. Same here.


But Gundam Style is Japanese.

Wizard of Oz:

I know it's still early, but I like my Robocop clunky looking.

Cap Marvel? My vote is Wonder Woman. She even knows a few fight tricks herself.


Yes, they are. You have much to learn young padawan.

Imagine all the JFK assassination videos in the hands of hobbyists w/ the tech we have. And the cell phone vids/pics that would have recorded more clips in different angles & perspectives.

Or you could ask the janitor.

I want to mention 90's Superboy, but he's less hipstery & more boy bandy.

Dead Alive is Braindead. Different name for the US film release.

Perry Wight's ace reporter along with Clark Cant, silly.

I can't tell if giving the T-Rex toy an elephant sound is pure genius or amazingly lazy.

Why, thank yew.

And yummy. I like jello.