
Was “No” Class a very well-engineered hint for #5, Torch?

I’m glad you posted a picture of an E30 coupe’s shifter. Because this is correct. Everything. Is. Correct.

For Steve’s 733i, unless he had some custom work this would have been an almost brand-new car. The E23 in North America received a small cosmetic update for MY83 that included black mirror housings rather than the earlier chrome, and redesigned kidneys.

It looks like you may have overcooked that turn.

Hopefully they’ve at least got signage up. Heat buckles are far from uncommon in the upper Midwest, where highways have to deal with -20F to +100F ambient temperatures on an annual basis. Riding my bike on I-55 in Illinois on Saturday, there were minor heat buckles every few hundred yards during the hottest part of

In Chicago we get the wonderful combined sewer overflow events. Since stormwater is not a separate drainage system from the regular sewerage, pretty much most of the time when it rains we dump raw sewage diluted with rainwater into our rivers.

As the former owner of a set of seats in that exact same fabric (albeit non-sport), I know exactly what combination of foam and stale sweat they smell like after ten years of daily use. I actually kind of miss the smell sometimes.

Easy. Being crushed underneath my car. I have a healthy fear of a jackstand slipping slightly and smooshing my chest, leaving me to die alone and covered in those rust particles that always manage to get in your eye no matter how much you try to avoid it.

Piece of 2x4 on the inboard side, and a 4 foot sledge swung while laying sideways.

There’s a 10mm socket lodged somewhere in my E24's bay. Sometimes I get a quick glimpse of a reflection somewhere when changing the oil or belts. Like it’s taunting me.

My wife got new tires on her E46 - a few weeks later I replaced the pads and rotors and I bent the factory BMW lug wrench trying to remove the wheels. Standing on the end of a 1 foot lug wrench, jumping up and down, and the thing BENT at a 30 degree angle. And then snapped a 3/8" Harbor Freight breaker bar. And then

Now playing

Man, and this car isn’t even being produced by a...

This is one of those times where I see the location descriptor as “Alsip” and completely understand the subtext behind the vehicle.

A car able to save presets (mirrors, radio, seat position) based on the car key used is heaven-sent, since my wife and I usually use her car when needing to haul things or drive a long distance.

This is the apotheosis of ‘80sness. It even tops the sweet clothing catalogue that came with my E24 and all of its aviator-sporting, pastel golf shirt-wearing glory.

I am so glad someone else pointed out dat ass on an A7. Every time I see one I think “Eh, an Audi” as it comes and “damnnnnn” as it goes. Something about how low the curve goes compared to most cars really brings out the highs of European 60s/70s style cues.

You’re missing “Bearcat” Zuckerberg.

Neenah Foundry 4 lyfe

Technically the USS Alligator was America’s second submarine; it was launched two years prior to the Hunley although it sank in bad weather after only a few months of (attempted) service.

Most definitions would - the US itself never considered the CSA to have ever legally existed except as merely territory in rebellion. No foreign government ever acknowledged the CSA as a sovereign state, either.