
If I was his Director this paper would be the first thing HR would bring to me when I female under James complained about her working environment. I would have little choice but to demote/fire James because he has made a prejudice about females known. Same about hiring, once this went public it would be impossible

Imagine your some bottom of the ring coder earbuds on 8+ hours everyday focused on your task, worried about bills, family, personal life, and then you find this turd in your inbox. You don’t have time to read War And Peace, let alone someone’s political rant.

Remember that what looks like success to anybody reasonable can be re-framed as failure to these whackadoos.

“I believe I have a legal right to do that.”

Zaggie’s Corollary to Godwin’s Law: The longer a neo-conservative tries to rationalize his racism or sexism in an online forum the probability of blaming the ‘mainstream media’ approaches one.

and you wanted to tee up a retaliation law suit, that is exactly the sort of thing you would write.

Ego is a hell of a drug.

I just...

Oh, oh my god, I just want ‘Conservatives just aren’t as good at software development and that’s why they are under represented in Silicon Valley‘ on a plaque.

Newsflash! Update to our prior story: Fired Google engineer still a prick. Full story at 11.

Seconded. Sounds like HE isn’t interested in coding, or working at all and saw as friendly an environment as he could hope for to collect a settlement check or have money thrown at him for parroting back ancient, terrible, long disproven faux-science.

He’s clearly not stupid. I’m inclined to think that if he didn’t plan it explicitly he would have at least anticipated a lot of the backlash for the screed.

It may suprise you to learn that /TheDonald is only a small fraction of Reddit.


While Damore’s critics have largely focused around his belief the claims he put forth in the memo are just science

Bullshit. Women were coders long before men. Only when it became a job worthy of a higher salary did it suddenly become a job best suited for men. Men made sure women knew they were not welcome and marketed everything computer and tech to fathers and sons. In some other countries, women make up half the college

This guy is a perfect plug-and-play alt-right hero. I’m guessing the longer he talks, the more vitriolic his opinions become (or rather the more his true colors show).

Too late.

The more I read about this and lawyers’ opinions about the content in regards to the pending legal action, I have to wonder how much of this he planned from the start. Considering that his entire document reads as a 10 page version of “I’m not a <blank>, but....” over and over again, I’m suspicious.