
Missing someone by half a mile, with a sufficiently large nuclear weapon, is not really any problem, especially if you go with a strategic-level, or even high tactical level yields (i.e. 250 kilotons and above). The primary fireball alone can be several times larger than those 500 meters.

All in immediate viccinity were sunk.

still cheaper than an entire carrier battlegroup it would wipe ;) pretty easy to stop unless you saturate defence systems/countermeasure response, tho. So not that effective.

nah, its probably that they are not screaming about her :>

actually, being fat is in a large part, choice. Not disability.

He’s not from US of A. Thankfully, most of the world is not yet USA :)

No onboard radar on B29s. And non-digital electric circuitry is quite resistant to EMP.

well, technically, its a turboprop engine, so it is still a subtype of a jet engine.

So, loser, stupid girl trope is bad, loser, stupid guy is ok?

“Teens get off your phones so our priests can rape you easier”, nuff said. Stop citing the pope like he’s a good person - hes just a religious mafia PR guy.

Why would it be hard? I mean...twin engines, check. Low take off / landing speed, check. Sturdy landing gear / structure, check. Just add the hook at the tail. Or Am I missing something ?

Or even better, cruising/loitering UAV platform with SDB and guided missile capability + GAU8 cannon, would be very nice to have I think.

ISIS would say yes, given that they already do target civilians.

Also, funny how US wants europe to take in refugees, while only taking very little them in, themselves. Or paying for those refugees, for that matter.

Might be supporter, might be a contributor. Or, even more probably, just too poor / scared shitless to even try and leave (because some lunatic with a machette will probably go after them, for “denying allah” or another fubar reason).

Well, to be honest, taking down Hussain (an iron rule, but a stable one nonetheless) only destabilised the entire region in the long run. Democracy is one thing, and a noble one. But, removing said iron rule only, without really nurturing any peace for a long run (and it was well known that it would really take 40-50

Right? All the while when guided 30mm bullet would be way more than enough. AFAIK they already made a .50 guided ammo (EXACTO .50 rounds, to be exact), so i guess 30mm would be even better. Now, put those in an A10s GAU-8 avenger cannon, make it an antipersonell fragmentation round, and add a system that could

Better yet even, use those with a (relativelly cheap, especially compared to such airframes as F23) A10 for superb airframe survivability.

The question is, wheter or not such system will be combat effective (i.e. will iphone positioning accelerometers / chips survive g loads of a carrier aircraft / weapon launch? are they jamming resistant? are they NATO data interface compliant, so you can actually load targeting data into them without having to change/

More like, if its radioactive enough to be effective while dispersed by a weapon, is even more effective in killing anyone that handles it / builds / deploys the weapon without serious shielding between them and a weapon in question.