
Yep- when I went from my 78 ford 3/4 ton to my 05 GMC diesel PU , I laughed when my carsalesman buddy extolled heated seats. “Pfft” I said. “Wusses” I said. At that time I was doing a weekly commute of 3 hours thru the Rockies- trailering the cast off goodies from a posh resort town to use in building my own place.

Drew is 100% correct - Musk is claiming his orbital costs to be $1000/lb [remember- he is First -the Salesman for All Things Musk] but orbital is a piece of cake compared with those next , even baby steps-Add to those ramped up costs: radiation is still problematic the moment we leave our magnetic field, long term

Thanks for the story- it’s likely gonna draw plenty of jaded BS responses- and that’s ok.-it is certainly difficult to garner much empathy and compassion in the UberAlpha world of the ‘net. Buffalo fans have gone thru a lot....and...well...  there are folk [like me] who have endured real tragedy around their kids. So

yeah- like Ovdan sez- Goldie and Kurt were the ones who started it all - but they were the celebs who wanted to fit into the local character- buy an old truck , drink beer and play softball , hit Woody Creek for swapping lies- they weren’t gawked at much [Aspenites being waaay to hipslickandcool for that] so other

never heard the words ”slot mags” we just called ‘em “mags” and from weber carbed VWs to Shelbys they were the ONLY wheels to own. ....and...and I am really old.... Nevermind.

This is the type of behavior I point to whenever anyone announces their ‘grand conspiracy theory’ about anything- Really? Takes an awful lot of blind faith in humans to believe someone somewhere DOESN’T get drunk, has a vindictive ex spouse, or just plain engages in one of our species’ oldest traits- gossip.....

I have met the man several times- sure seemed an accountable authentic person to me...

like wonkette sez: here’s an idea: maybe don’t send a fucking SWAT team out for every freakin’ “incident” ..... [sane cops everywhere shaking their heads....]

Hmmm- I grew up RWD. Then I moved to the Rockies and grew up some more- when it came time to get me and my family thru icy , snow covered mountain roads FWD quickly became the no brainer. RWD became a self indulgent stupidity....

He’s right - To my knowledge, KK has yet to discuss these topics. Its past time to do so. As well as the a priori myth that the “market place” is somehow the best arbiter of social/ecological/info issues [Hint- its not] Another excellent first plunge into the underlying issues that result from essentially an early

But look- it’s those guys kneeling!.....

and not to mention the Dez tantrum followed immediately by the Dez fumble..... Yes Virginia , there is.....

yep- I am an Anybody But Cowboys fan from awaay back-

gosh- another entitled gringa who’s sure her white skin makes her a different species... c’mon England- you know what to do [hint: Cromwell]

I cut way back on NFL for myriads of reasons- none of which has to do with players trying to draw attention to meaningful societal concerns....I am, however , laying in a good supply of popcorn to watch the drama of entitled egotistic old white men go full tantrum as they confront the reality that , yes Virginia,

Now playing

i don’t get too upset when a quack just fleeces the marks of their excess income- but I live in an area where I have seen these same assholes convince people that they can cure their cancer and convince them to eschew chemo [news flash- they ALL DIE-quickly ] might be the only time I praise SatanBelichick

yep- i only regret that I cannot remember where I was when I first heard it [was NOT in a drunk tank] .....

Now playing

besides Pogues “Fairytale...” it would also submit:

An xmas day massacre- cause IWJWD.... [and ‘cause folks won’t be bothered to hit the streets and use up all his camera time]