
This will hopefully be changing early 2024. I know Netflix is pushing to integrate it on all Android based TVs. IIRC they are currently beta testing it, and there is a function that if you don’t have a controller you can use your phone and a virtual controller.

Just an aside, what might help you with the crashing is getting rid of save files. If you’ve amassed quite a lot of them it seems to affect the game’s stability. 

Wait just a minute, you’re telling me that you think TotK is just more BotW, and then with a straight face don’t think the exact same criticism applies to Spider-Man 2. If anything Spider-Man 2 is far more derivative of its previous games than TotK is of BotW.

Personally I think they’re both excellent games well

inflation. its less the skins are expensive and more that games have not risen in prices relative to everything else in the world so this is how companies keep up.

So the answer here is that as far as we know the PS5 is no longer sold at a loss but the margin of profit is slim. The XSX and XSS are still sold at a loss, and we dont have any clear window on how much of a loss. We know some of this information because of all the lawsuits and FTC things.

Yeah I am listening to podcasts with actual movie makers, directors, actors, producers. I think they would have a better handle on it than a random kinja commenter. But yeah sure. I mean even you saying “2.5x and always was” and “to start breaking even” means that you’re guestimating 2.5x as the starting point, and so

Love. This. For. You.

I mean, I don’t, not for any of us. But in all fairness the Xbox One was also subsidised. Hahaha. But I guess you’re just helping all of us pay for our next gen updates. Thank you for your service.

Thye have actually been doing this for all first party launches since Starfield. Forza Motorsport also had this. Personally I think its egregious, but I don’t think the $500 cost holds any water as an argument. The cost of the console is subsidised, this is the subsidy part. Anyway at least its pretty easy to close,

This was my thought too. The low cost is subsidised by Microsoft, welcome to the subsidy part. Although this is egregious.

That rule of thumb number keeps moving up and down depending on which person is guestimating about it.

It does get a bit twisty trying to keep them straight when comparing them. And its perfect for the playstyle you mentioned. I also kind of enjoy just pottering around in games that aren’t perfect to understand why they fail. I like to see it for myself.

Two things though, they did fix most of character progression so

This is exposing your gaming ignorance, not the lack of stackedness.

Yakuza 7, the one with Ichiban, that also released day one IIRC.

11 games in the first half of the month alone? What definition are you using for stacked?

Gotham Knights rant for anyone who cares:

This has to be one of the most frustrating games ever. It’s so close to being a great game, like it has all the building blocks, you can feel it reaching for it, but then it just absolutely misses the mark and you continously feel that while playing. Just finished it on Game

When I climbed some tower opened a box for a random trinket, walked 5 steps to the other side of a room to open another box to be rewarded with another meaningless trinket, I stopped and asked myself “is this really gameplay”?. The answer was no, and I stopped right there. The story was enjoyable and had some great

Oh no, the classic playground reverse the insult tactic. How smart and original, what a wildly intellectual stance. Surely I am defeated, who could possibly recover from such an elevated retort. Hahaahaha. Jezuz Krist, take off the clown make up bozo, it doesn’t flatter anyone. This is so fucking hilarious, you really

Dull people do usually struggle with articulation. Just know you’re not alone, there are a lot of other dull people out there with you, all upset over things they made up too.

I think the reason I didn’t used to like them was their size was somewhat linked to game resolution, and I had a janky ass PC for a long stretch at one point. But yeah they’re pretty good. In an ideal world I would like a discreet mode that just makes a tiny icon blink and then I could head to the launcher UI and see

With the sole exception of region-locking nothing you explained there is in fact anti-consumer. For example: I get that you want a non-portable console, but Nintendo pursuing it own goals and not catering to the need of every possible individual is not in anyway anti-consumer.

As to your first point, the reason