
And? Since you don’t know exactly what their objectives are you can’t really know how big or small 10 mill is compared to whatever they are forecasting against. That 10 mill figure doesn’t negate anything that Bigburito said.

I get the reason why they wanted to do it, possibly also preying on the judge’s ignorance of how the gaming market works. But in the end that position was a faulty and made up premise which rightly failed.

Except the documents didn’t say that. There was an email chain with Mustard talking in hyperbole about buying Sony out of the market. But at no point was that linked to their strategy for the ActiBlizzard.

Except that:

Just put Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Crash Trilogy, and Tony hawk 1&2 Remastered on Game Pass and I’ll be happy.

It’s just a pity because it doesn’t have to be. At some point while grinding it out I realised I had so much more fun and variety in Hades, which while not the same genre shares enough similarities in play. It was just disappointing to come to that realisation. But for those who love it, I mean hats off to them, I

And then? What metric would you like to measure it success or failure by?

let me give you an example even a simple minded brain worm infested dumbass like you can understand

Its not that I don’t think they should have fought this. But the grounds on which they fought were so stupid. I cannot believe they wasted any time on whether Nintendo should be included for example, and many other avenues of attack when there were legitimate pain points they could have poked at.

something they are currently keen to recreate with their latest Windows 11 changes regarding Edge

I blame the FTC for this. Instead of focussing on the actual issues behind consolidation where a really strong case could have been made, they instead just jumped into Sony’s grab bag of CoD concerns which as it turns out they weren’t even concerned about. They focussed so much on what position in the market each

All this is good except for:

Casual Microsoft W for the gamers.

If you could read you would see I already know this. I’m just no longer up for the unfun grindyness of it all.

I actually dont think your $1 here and there really does make any difference to trillion dollar company Microsoft or billion dollar division Xbox. Truly you and the tens of thousand of people who exploit the $1 trial here and there actually contribute any noticeable amount to the MS/Xbox bottom line.

The thing that killed this game for me was knowing that until you get to world tier 4 none of your gear really matters, you’re just grinding up resources for over 100 hours of gameplay. Your build doesnt even matter until you have access to all the skill points and can finally start making high level gear. I enjoyed

Seems like everyone who loved New Vegas hated this game. Personally as someone who couldn’t be bothered with the Fallout setting at all and so didn’t play New Vegas, I had a blast with this game. I had several laugh out loud moments, the setting was superb in its depressingness, and there were quite a few fun

Typo on my side, I meant to write XSS which is the same 2nd hand price point as the system he bought.

My bad, I meant to write XSS. Which is the same price as the X1X second hand.

Just for general knowledge sakes, Arnie and Devito were the ones who pioneered the back end deal with the movie Twins.