I’m sorry, maybe I’m missing something, but where was mental illness mentioned in the OP, and what does being mentally ill have to do with being a rapist?
I’m sorry, maybe I’m missing something, but where was mental illness mentioned in the OP, and what does being mentally ill have to do with being a rapist?
Hatoful BF is so hilarious. Great pick.
Oh my god, I had the exact same feeling reading this, since I read it just after reading Gyo! I kept expecting the cat to turn into the devil hahaha.
I have tomatoes, marble cheese, romaine, whole wheat bread, and a good variety of condiments! Time to celebrate the day.
please tell me this pun is on purpose
Aww, thank you!
Hi! As a Youth™, I can answer this.
I think these will actually be pretty popular, at least in the West! My gyarusa was talking about them recently and a lot of people were interested in the kirakira ones.
See the guy at the verry top-left of the screen who’s basically just a white blob? That’s high.
About 6.8 million Americans have been diagnosed with a ‘marijuana use disorder,’ or nearly three percent of all marijuana, said the study.
...get to the bottom of what led to the September 2012 terrorist attack on the United States Mission in Libya that .
Thank you for saying this... I’m starting to feel like so many Americans are getting the perception that the Liberal party is some super left wing progressive party, when in reality they’re fairly centrist or slightly left of centre, and seeing a whole article about how Justin Trudeau is a beautiful perfect angel…
Like nine but somehow I can never find a suitable pair in the morning ever.
3. Noooo! Don’t fall into the hatereading trap! I used to hateread everything all the time, and my confidence like, plummeted. Now I “happyread” positive stuff hahaha.
All you can eat sushi + tea! I had so many yam/avocado rolls. <3
I don’t listen to broadway as much anymore, but in high school I was really into Next to Normal and Passing Strange!