Richard Thompson did a cool acoustic version of “Oops I Did It Again.”
Richard Thompson did a cool acoustic version of “Oops I Did It Again.”
Unless Clinton is going to say in one of these interviews “what I did to Monica Lewinsky was horrible and what society did to her was horrible” I think he really just needs to go away. These assholes think that #MeToo wants their support when all anyone really wants is for them to go away.
Clintons, you guys have a nice house in Westchester and every time you guys step out of it you make America sad. You guys are done, please just stay at home forever. For the good of the nation.
Except that BPD often comes with abusive behavior. It’s very different from, say, depression or anxiety. It’s not a chemical imbalance. It’s who they are. It makes them hurt people, emotionally & physically. It’s fine to be sympathetic, because it’s an awful existence, but it’s also important to validate that…
Mr. Wrecks works 9-5, I teach nights. When someone asked if Mr. Wrecks babysits while I am at work, I said no. The interlocutor was confused. I told them Mr. Wrecks is not a babysitter. Interlocutor rolled their eyes. I went and screamed into the sink.
Tangentially related, but my ex husband once told me that he wouldn’t change a diaper. I’m pretty sure that was the moment that I decided that I didn’t really want kids with him.
Did anyone ever say “Mr. Mackenmmad is babysitting the kids tonight so Mrs. Mackemmad can go out with the ladies?” because that is the thing that makes me angrier than anything. The mother being out of the house does not mean that whatever adult left is “babysitting.”
I would actually love to see them make this point. I have a friend whose husband is a stay-at-home dad, and I do think they’re lucky to be able to have a parent stay at home, but I also see how much pressure it puts on her as he sole breadwinner. But like the fact that the guy who put a baby in her is willing to…
This ^
I deeply resent the argument that asks why a woman doesn’t leave a situation like this is victim blaming. This was not a case where she was threatened or intimidated. It was an evening where she felt uncomfortable with the sexual activity she was actively participating in, and did not stand up for herself and say no…
I posted and apparently kinja ate it so apologies if this is a second response.
MACRON: How is it that your clothes fit so impeccably? You must tell me!
The fucking Weather Channel this morning.
I’m not a fan of monopolies but honestly nothing can save megablocks from being a second rate lego. Every franchise that goes to megablocks is a franchise that has wasted it’s opportunity to have an awesome lego adaptation at this point.
No, it’s safe to fly with an obnoxious baby because we know they aren’t going to start shit. Obnoxious people can easily get rowdy and cause all sorts of problems.
Contrary to popular belief, Grown adults != babies.
Poor Taffy.
I’m sorry but this must be said:
Which is why my diet journal is always so empty. That entire box of Oreos? NOPE DIDN’T HAPPEN