That Guy

I’m treating it with Molyneux gloves. Whenever something sounds amazing, just remember Molyneux.

Yeah, I’m hoping the delay is to add something they felt they missed and not because of technical issues. But history tells me not to count on that.

To be fair, i don’t think is to “Screw with the competition” so much as it is a desperation maneuver to stay alive.

Does it? Two weeks after launch being dropped 20 bucks from a pretty well known developer? That happens all the time? Really?

I wouldn’t be opposed to a new Uncharted about 10 or so years. Start a whole new series with Cassie.

This NSFW post brought to you by the Hunchback Beautification Association.
Hunchbacks: they’re sexy too.

If you cover the naughty bits it becomes art

On one hand, yes, making kids feel like every accomplishment (including doing absolutely nothing at all) is equal and all deserve praise isn’t relaly teaching them the lessons they’ll need to be a functioning adult in our society. But on the other hand, at least at a certain age, we do need to just let them be kids

You have to admit though that participation ribbons were a bad idea. Part of growing up is learning how to lose gracefully and being able to pick yourself back up and try again.

Millennial OIF and OEF veteran here. I hope your warhawk thanks you for your support by personally shoving a Hellfire missile straight up your ass.

Just a thought, but maybe consider redirecting your anger at the dickwads who created a academic system where angry helicopter parents can get whatever the fuck they want instead of blaming the only generation of adults who had absolutely no hand in that.

I heard a variant that I like a little more:
“When the facts are against you, pound on the law.
When the law’s against you, pound on the facts.
When the facts and the law are against you, pound on the table.”

Ignorance knows no age.

“But that does not mean we are suckers who will get snookered like the GOP just got did.”

Mate, nobody gives a shit if you’re republican or democrat. You’re all assholes.

The only thing worse than a millennial is a burnout GenXer who bitches about millennials, or a Boomer who’s “pulled themselves up by the bootstraps” of being born in to one of the luckiest generations to ever be born.

“Democrats are civil, rational, and have manners”

The republican establishment is starting to smell the blood in the water. They’re realizing if they align behind Trump and cultivate his platform, activate the traditional base, they can win this thing. If Bernie stays in he’s going to split the vote and Ross Perot the democrats shot at the WH.

Nah he shouldn’t. The United States is in that really abusive relationship, where all of our friends and neighboring countries are telling us to get out of the relationship but we can’t see it or just choose to believe everything is fine despite the obvious black eye we’re sporting.

Actually, Hillary should get the fuck out, because she is facing federal charges, is widely considered to be corrupt, takes money from a wide range of questionable people, and really isn’t even a very good politician by any objective measure.