That Guy

When the grill is hot, you suck the alcohol out of her fine ass!!

Broncos going undefeated in the first four weeks was a fluke. They have no offense because of no qb. Broncos are trash now. The defense has to win the games now, dont count on that all year.

Whats wrong with that? I do it all the time. I don’t pledge allegiance to the us gov’t. I look out for the good people of the country and the land. Fuck the gov’t idiots.

Saying a white person is better then a black person is racist in america. lmao stupid i know but there are people that go out looking for anything so they can call people racist.

What he said is accurate. If you want them to stop you gotta take the camera’s off of them. The other way is to take all their money away like gov’t does to soldiers and regular civilians. People change their tune pretty fast when their money is gone and they can’t eat or pay bills.

Sadly this is a thing because lots of dumb midwestern people will believe that shit. I live in a small kansas town now and the people here are so backwards and will believe anything, especially if you throw “god said so” in it.

Money and keeps the soldiers busy when they aren’t training or overseas. lol

Why do people bother going on tv shows knowing full well if the news rep doesn’t like what you are saying they are going to shout you down and try to embarrass you. Tv news is a joke. They don’t actually know or care about the topics, its all about creating controversy for the clicks and views.

Thats not what fainting sounds like. That’s all brain issues. The poor girl just needed a reset. I mean she talks about politics all day. Ick.

OH god no, I’m stuck in that horrible state. The strippers here are real bad. Kansas City might be better but don’t come out to the frontier for god sakes. Occasionally a pornstar will travel through to strip when they are hurting for money.

Can I be your Hercules....pretty please!

OMG a crusty old white dude said nigger... the worlds gonna end... like right now. LMAO Get over yourself people.

Not shockingly at all. Thats how 99% of retail is. Thanks capitalism!

As usual its some dumb shit someone made up. Its like they make it up to see how many dumb idiots will copy it and make fools of themselves in front of everyone around. lol

That was definatly the “not in public dad” move.

Good ole click bait. I really don’t see why this is news worthy. Its a hot lady in a nice shirt. I don’t care what they seller calls the shirt. If it looks good on you, wear it.

Are all you suckers that gave this dude money regretting it yet? You should be. Never hand people money for unfinished work.

That dragon age armor is the best of the three.

I’d marry a good looking lady how does badass cosplay. Think of the roleplay potential. :) Also as cosplay gets more and more mainstream...dat money potential as well. O.o

You can admit it. “OMG there is nothing to do....I hate WoW now, thanks Blizzard....your game sux!” LMAO