
My guess - someone put the radar guns to KM instead of MPH.

Basically, we’ve all heard the two things you don’t talk about in groups of people - Politics and Religion?? We can all add “Rotary engines” to that list. Some of us hate them, some of us love them. It’s just the way it is.

Let’s be honest, this shouldn’t surprise any of us. Nissan hasn’t had a good looking car since the initial release of the GTR 10 years ago. Besides that, the 370 is the only other thing that Nissan makes that doesn’t look like a bizarre bird creature. (although the Juke is growing on me since it doesn’t have those

If I had my way, I’d already mad it legal to drive a Ford F-450 with a huge rocket on the back burning rocket fuel. Good for the environment? Not at all. Freaking awesome to see and maybe the best Daily Driver ever? I mean, arguably yes. But you’d be wrong if you said no. :)

My most frustrating moments are always when I’m insanely exhausted, dehydrated, and I’m starting to lose my cool.

Perhaps a little off-topic regarding EAGLE (btw, the most patriotic name ever, ironic to the point in which none of the cars were really American).

This isn’t recent...but the mini-truck scene got completely obliterated by the aftermarket in the late 90's/early 2000's. I know, I know. Mini Trucks don’t exist any longer (sadly) but as a college kid in that same time period (and owned a 1997 S-10) I was all kinds of embarrassed to be associated with “mini

Yep. Me too.

I think that’s Respawn’s plan. Being a good Developer doesn’t just mean making great games. It also means being smart about your products and i.p.’s to grow the brand. Respawn has always (I’m talking even back when they were Infinity Ward) been good at this aspect alongside being a good dev - which is rare these

I certainly hope this turns the gaming market in another direction if Titanfall 2 sells extremely well. Honestly, I’d pay an extra $15 for a new copy of a game to support the Dev and DLC. Games are extremely cheap these days for consumers. $60 today is nothing like $60 in the 1980's and 90's. $70-$75 for a game

I think Respawn has some decent pull @ EA. Not specifically because of the original Titanfall, but because of the history behind Respawn. I.E. Cod, CoD2, and CoD4:MW. All amazing games that were developed by most of the guys @ Respawn. And it definitely shows in the game play and how polished the Titanfall Games

Just as real cars can make people “car sick”, how on Earth would we all not expect some to be “sick” and dizzy while playing VR? Being motion sick is just your brain not being able to calibrate to sitting still as the world moves around you. Sea sick, air sick, etc...all the same concept. So this shouldn’t be a

That’s it. On the nose. Though it may not “outsell” IW, it would definitely take many upon many of dollars away from it.

This most definitely doesn’t surprise me. I was shocked it wasn’t announced sooner but I guess Activision figured get some extra pre-orders in beforehand.

Yeah, but I highly doubt any of the 11 users were threatening them. This guy is obviously a semi-fruit loop and very overdramatic. Over dramatic usually means “bending the truth” or “tall tales” also. Though not always, in his defense.

I understand your point of view and commend you, however, I was pretty clear and specific on my points and I’m not going to further explain anything else which I hope you understand. But I do realize I made the mistake of generalizing the elite youtubers as “all of them” and for that I did mispeak. But generalizing

I’m not bitter whatsoever. I think it’s awesome they can bank on making content.

Exactly my point.

Also, I might add, I chose a 70 inch HDTV just last year over a 4k set. Why? Because for the same price I got a 20 inch larger TV. Before I had a 60 inch, so why would I downgrade the size to a 50 inch for 4k? I think a lot of people are in that mindset, as well.

It’s true. I see 4k TV’s on sale like crazy everywhere...but I still don’t know a single person that owns one.