
I would just like to say that your attempt to compare a rich white fan/owner shoving a player, who had zero interaction with him or his family, because he felt entitled to do so, to a well known black GM being stopped by a cop, supposedly because his visible credentials weren’t visible enough, and then allegedly being

Because he didnt get to shoot him clearly.

In his defense, the officer was probably just on edge from being surrounded by so many giant, successful, black men.

I can tell you how this is gonna play out now. He’s probably already back in Canada, so he’s out of their jurisdiction. And the Canadians won’t extradite one of their own. But Batman has no jurisdiction.

That was more disturbing to me than the guy who jerked off at Arby’s.

And that’s what this guy ADMITS to.

Deadspin needs to dig a little deeper into this guy who bought three J.P. Losman jerseys. Jesus christ

I’ve been to the Draft. It used to be comic-con for NFL fanatics. Now it’s a marketing opportunity to show how much the NFL supports our troops, how parents aren’t keeping their kids out of football for fear of catastrophic injury, and how their players aren’t wifebeaters and drug abusers—look at all of our “MEN OF

You do whatever you have to do to stay out of Cleveland.

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

Because in terms of importance pro football ranks somewhere above girls high school basketball, but below college lacrosse in the sports hierarchy. Our gm is a nipple high shorts wearing buffon who cut our best player ever, only to watch him prison rape us a few weeks later. I’ve seen gentler rapings in episodes of

This is the kind of bland, stultifying team that the Carolinas deserve. These are bland, stultifying people who are still so lax about pro football fandom that they can’t even high five properly or sneak proper contraband foods past security.

I was 8 when I became a Panthers fan. That was in 2003, the same season the Panthers lost to New England in the Super Bowl. It was scaring to a young fan, and I never thought I would it would get worse for my team.

At least 1/2 of our fan base (Im being conservative) are a genetic devolution caused by a mix of inbreeding and Type 2 Diabetes. I was at a preseason game against the Chiefs last year, wearing my split Ravens/Panthers Steve Smith jersey, when I got into a walking argument with a tatted up severely drunk boy/girl

Watching a game at University of Phoenix stadium is a lot like attending University of Phoenix – you spend a ton of money on a complete waste of time, and when you tell people what you did they all laugh at you.

The only people who hate Eagles fans more than the rest of the universe are other Eagles fans.

Congrats on releasing another book, Drew!

But what brings them together is a mutual longing for death.

Not mutually exclusive.

Police decided not to press charges, stating that attending a Browns game was sufficient punishment.