

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

“Hey, let’s degrade all these people who have achieved far more in their lives than us, because we disagree with their politics! Who needs facts anyway?!”

So why not give the other political party a try? I would think that voting exclusively for a party that has told you they would fix you for 50 plus years, yet never seem to deliver on their promises while saying there is still work to do so give us another 4 years to solve it? I know the other side isn’t perfect


This is anecdotal and also a weird sentence to type, but of the billionaires that I’ve known personally (total of 3 mind you), two spent the vast majority their time on philanthropy and I came to respect them tremendously. The third was a douche, and while he always had a hefty % going to philanthropic causes I got

Billionaires should exist. It gives us all something to strive for, something to look up to, and wonder how we could get as wealthy as them. Also, capitalism is the best economic system, as it lets people do what they want to succeed, and it gives everyone the ability to do better and improve because they want to

I concur, Joanna was right. Better to spend $20 on more hot dogs and cook them properly. That Corona meat thermometer is garbage too (anyone serious about grilling needs the thermometer that Alton Brown uses -

I concur, Joanna was right. Better to spend $20 on more hot dogs and cook them properly. That Corona meat

The hot dog toaster is trash. We had one at work and it’s terrible. The buns don’t really get to toast (the two edges that touch the heating element burn and the rest is just barely warmed up with no toasting to speak of). The hot dogs don’t really get that warm, unless you do a second cycle. On top of those short

The hot dog toaster is trash. We had one at work and it’s terrible. The buns don’t really get to toast (the two

....I’m confused. If they were trying to storm the stage, doesn’t that mean they didn’t like him being racist? And did Sacha Baron Cohen give these lousy people a ton of money as a donation to get into the event?

And most were issued pardons, and are considered by the Veteran’s Administration as VETERANS of the UNITED STATES, and, their graves and monuments should be treated as such.

Technically most - if not all - of the officers and leaders in the Confederate Army were veterans of the U.S. Army; many of them were West Point grads. Of course they gave up their right to be called U.S. Army veterans when they committed treason against the United States.

This is not really a freedom of speech issue. I can say no hats in my business if I want. Maybe I just want my place to look classy and hatless. This game is their business and they think not having images that glorify a war fought specifically to preserve slavery and fought against America will really class up the

They are a company, it is their choice whether they want to support the 1st amendment or not. Much like a store can say you can’t carry a firearm on their property.

“Do I support the South’s fight in the Civil War, nope. But I respect the people right to fly that flag, it is one reason I joined the military to allow people I do not agree with, to have the right to express themselves.”

It doesn’t change anyone’s life not to allow for the Dukes of Hazzard paintjob, apart from people that wanted to have the Dukes of Hazzard paintjob. It’s posturing for the sake of it.

Based off the public information I’ve seen regarding his dealings he generally delivers what he promises on, and when he doesn’t he cops to it, takes his lumps and figures out what went wrong and rebuilds.

Never heard of Strict Father Moralism, going to have to look into this.

I really dislike the fact that you conflate fascism (a theory of government that focuses on a strong centralized form of government, suppression of dissent with strong social and economic regimentation) and conservatism (a theory of government that focuses on limited national governance that solely focuses on herding

I’ve seen more violence come from the left side of the aisle tbqh... and it’s kinda been a consistent thing since the 80s, firebombings and riots for the most part, some actual bombs. Interestingly enough the worst from the left is usually reserved for the people who ultimately decide to break ranks and think for