
It it’s strained, up to a year! If not, a few weeks, but I’ve never had any last more than a week.

You need an ID for everything. What’s the big deal? My state requires ID for, like, ever. It doesn’t prevent anyone from voting.

Once I got over the fact that they weren’t written like Dresden books, I enjoyed them immensely. I was just picking a series that was complete (Looking at you, Martin) and a lot of fun.

Oof... You’re forgetting this quote: “everyone is just one bad day away from becoming the villain”.

I don’t know I never really loved Ledger’s Joker, maybe because I am older and I grew up with Tim Burton’s Batman and reruns of the old TV show, but I still think Nicholson had the best Joker. It seems to me that with Ledger and later Leto they lost the “funny” part of the character and went full nutbag with him. Part

Anybody that points out the flaws or lack of logic in a progressive liberal opinion is automatically deemed a fascist (minimally). Anyone that has viewed Ben’s speeches or read his material would know that he isn’t an fascist - he opposes and calls out fascism.

How is Ben Shapiro a fascist? How is he a racist? I thought attacking people for different opinions and trying to silence debate was fascism?

I always used to wet brine poultry as you describe until I tried dry brining.  Just salt heavily and refrigerate for 48 hours as directed.  It takes longer, but it’s easier (especially with turkey) and I haven’t ever ended up with over-brined chicken like I sometimes did with the saltwater method.  The meat is still

Kindle format to PDF? Why not epub? PDF sucks. I convert all my Kindle ebooks to epub. 

I’m much more concerned with the way that roll of toilet paper is put on the hanger thingy.  It’s backwards you animal!

And? What does this have to do with quarantined planes? I’m not saying Trump is a model President. I am saying to stop feeding into the fake news bullshit his supporters LOVE to say the left “reports” and the pettiness that goes on. That comment was not needed in this writeup. But like I said elsewhere, this is a blog

So probably is what passes for “news”? Come on. Stop giving them fuel. It’s horribly hypocritical when we sit here and say “it’s only fake news because he doesn’t like it!!! and then immediately say something fake.

It’s not true. There is no report of what he’s doing. It has no place in this article blog post. My point isn’t about Trumps actions. He’s a terrible President. But this situation has 0 to do with him as of now. It just serves to make his opponents look petty. And when we say he is childish and immature, it would

Everyone now must report things with their opinions shoved in. It’s just him and honestly he’s more forgiven. He’s NOT a reporter or journalist. He’s a blog writer. So it’s a bit more forgivable to stray into opinions. I don’t agree with it or want it but there is no real responsibility for “integrity” here. It was

President Trump has also reportedly been updated on the situation, though everyone knows he’s probably just glued to the TV and fixated on whatever Fox News is currently pumping into his brain.

I’ve read about 35. There’s some awful books on that list.

Personally I would be MUCH happier if the staff reported news like this all of the time.

Thank you for your journalistic integrity.

Thank you for actually reporting something instead of editorializing and stating your opinion as if it were fact.

thank you for actually being professional.  Your one of the few at Gawker.