
They could not have done that to the NYDN if people actually BOUGHT. PAPERS. Whether it was investment group douchebags, or local owners, or even an ESOP platform, they, like all papers lose money.

The New York Daily News wasn’t profitable. How is that not a market correction? It was literally sold to Tronc for $1 because the liabilities were more than the paper’s value. 

If I have a specific problem being “beckoned via a bell system” I’ll tell you right now what I wouldn’t do:

I wouldn’t take a career path that involves real time customer service and a bell system.

Edit: doctor who is CLOSER to you. I f-ng hate my Note 8 keyboard.

I agree with everybody else.  Thin burgers are not better than thicker ones, they are just different.  Like coq au vin is different than fried chicken. Or even like different kinds of fried chicken can be equally good.

This is a terrible take, a good, medium cooked, thick burger will always triumph over some skinny patty

This is a time where I have to disagree. Completely. I take the meat, usually half a pound at a time, barely handle it just enough to shape it into a nice, big patty that will fit perfectly on those huge onion buns you can buy, season with salt and pepper and into the cast iron pan it goes. It ends up tasty, juicy,

You’d think they’d target Android as it’s actually the OS they use on their own devices. 

No, more like “hey lady you need to speak up when you have grievances, and go through the right people, not twitter.

My name is ‘Gizmodo’ and I’m mad at Peter Theil for sueing the shit out of me for my poor journalistic integrity, slander, and other trash tabloid bullshit that I try to pass off to the public. So I am going to write mean articles about all of his friends because I am a petty piece of shit asshole.

I agree.  And Musk was humble the ENTIRE TIME.  He knew, and admitted many many times, that it might not be of any use, but it didnt hurt him or anyone else to offer it and bring it to them.  He never bragged, and multiple times commended and brought attention to the rescue team.  I hate Musk, I really do, but I hate

How are the two connected?  Aren’t Republicans the ones who are more supportive of nuclear energy? 

Let the duck boobs go, man.  For the filmmakers, it was a five second sight gag.  You’ve held a grudge about it for decades.  Move on.

Sure helps us conveniently BLAME someone and walk away like we did something useful, though.


Republicans, in general, have never had issues with wind power. Texas has the most wind power in the US, largely due to Rick Perry, who now heads the Department of Energy.

Pal, Democrats won’t be winning the senate or house for the next 16 years.  Look at NY primary last night, you’re voting in socialists over your party leaders rofl

oh fuck off

Except that Batman has killed the Joker many times in the comics. Comics is a very different medium, and the characters can be changed and killed and reborn over and over again and readers will accept it, and most of us love it. There is no singular “Batman” there are different versions of Batman, different

Star Wars is a cultural force so large and important that fans have every right to feel some sense of investment and ownership of it.