
Oddly I just shot a skunk Thursday night with my sons .22lr - I have owned firearms since I was 13, we would load up and go to our family land in Montana each fall (deer, elk, bear), and on odd number years we would enter our Tribal lottery for a bison hunt. (on the bison hunt you keep 1/4 of the animal and the rest

For fucks sake, stop with the “military style” bullshit. Go educate yourself on firearms there are no modern military style rifles on manufactured for the market today not a single one. Handguns yes. Then add in the people who think an AR is a full auto machine gun - it is a semi-auto which means a single pull of the

Or focus on the fact driving is not a protected right, while owning a firearm is. 

Now playing

You cannot beat logic into a diehard liberals head no matter how hard you try. They conveniently forget what a Constitutional Right is vs a privilege such as driving. One is specifically laid out saying we have the right to bear arms. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the

99.99999999999999999999999999% of hunting rifles are not single shot, nor have they been in over 100 years. Lever action’s started to be the thing in the mid 1800's 

Driving is not a constitutional RIGHT. It is a privilege. You ignorant assholes tend to forget that when you start calling others names.  

Or he could be referring to fuel air bombs like the moab or other thermobaric bombs - which put over a populated area could kill that many people during his time frame, they are more destructive than the baby nukes we have. Not to mention chemical or biological ordinances. How much shit do we have that the ordinary

Tell that to Oakland

First I believe as an economics major that delaying the exit is going to be WORSE in the long run, they do need a damn plan but with the way they are playing games it doesnt look promising. I also feel the UK economy will not only bounce back after a short term recession but will increase the economy with no

I wont say my opinion on the exit, but for good or bad the people made the decision. A no-deal is going to be horrible, but unless they really make an effort or just keep postponing it - it wont get better. This may end up breaking Ireland and Scotland from British control, which is another whole level of shitstorm.

Isnt that exactly what the EU was doing with the UK? Deciding what they want and then they are stuck with it? Either way it is a shitstorm of politics and problems, and it will soon end up with a no deal exit which will be like fucking Sharknado 22 the Nuclear option. They HAVE to meet somewhere or they will have a

The people VOTED FOR BREXIT yet the politicians have done everything they can to not actually leave the EU - they have not put any meaningful plan together to vote on yet. They keep doing insanely stupid things. So they will either pull thier heads out and get a meaningful plan together that everyone can live with or

Or you can go to and do the interactive survey and then match it with your partner - it is a great way to test the waters because it only shows you what you BOTH match on. So no judgements. 

Their Twitter was suspended just now too lol

They didnt get enough participation trophies as children. So they get their jollies by fucking with people with lives. The did not do it on a Monday during work time. I personally hope they get found and are abused brutally in prison in all the really nasty ways. 

Until we see REAL penalties and REAL jail time for cyber bullshit like this they will continue.

So what does this have to do with gaming, gaming culture, or cosplay? Dont we have enough of the shit without forcing it here more and more? This was the one safe place where we didnt have shit like this forced on us. Piker is a douche who has routinely said inflammatory shit, just like many of the Young Turks - so I

One thing to note is that Chick-fil-a quality is ALWAYS the same - top notch. While Popeyes it all depends on who is cooking today - I have had soggy nasty crap from Popeyes on occasion, which is why we go to Chick-fil-a more often. If I HAVE to have chicken I know I am getting a good product. Many reports seem to say

Sadly your image is upside down, the Mustang is traditionally shown on its roof ;)

Any chance of you doing some more of these with updates for modern hardware and using updated software?