
Sadly your image is upside down, the Mustang is traditionally shown on its roof ;)

Any chance of you doing some more of these with updates for modern hardware and using updated software?

How big was the drink? 

As I said in my post “AND yes, people have contacted Pax about refunds, and upset over cancelling a panel after weeks of it being announced. Guess what the answer has been so far - either no reply or denials.” 

Ignoring most people and replying no to others. Keep making excuses for their actions. That will teach them

It would be fine if they did handle it, but they didnt. They agreed to allow these people have a platform, then sent an email telling them it is ok to advertise. I never planned on attending, but I do know a couple who wanted to go and see this panel and 2 others. They planned in advance to arrange people to babysit,

They were told they could announce their panel and advertise it to their fans. Those fans heard they were attending then went and booked flights, hotels, and cars for the event. According to the website hundreds of fans had booked hotels and flights already then were pissed when they heard they had been cancelled.

Exactly they are profiting on these people’s fanbase AFTER cancelling them. That is beyond dirty. They fucked up, so should allow it and then make a blanket announcement ZERO politics and avoid the issue in the future.

That would be fine if they didnt allow political crap at all, but they DO have a history of allowing it. What people are pissed at, is they are profiting off of this guy’s fanbase who were told he was allowed to attend, then they dropped cash on tickets, planes, hotels, expenses to have the rug pulled out with no way

I hate to tell you this, but if you eat street tacos in Mexico you will rarely eating the meat they claim it to be. I have eaten street food from TJ to Mexico city and they somehow rarely have the texture of the meat it claims to be - except fish tacos hard to claim cat/dog/rat as fish. I still eat them when I can

BULLSHIT. It can not happen to everyone. You self indulgent assholes wont go anywhere without your cellphone, but refuse to pay enough attention to make sure your goddamn child isnt in the car with you. I was responsible for BOTH my children’s care almost completely. Not once did we ever leave a child in the car, when

You need to go read the crew members account of the bite, it was an accident they were playing rough and he got bit. He went on record saying the bite was really HIS fault. He went on to say he still plays with the dog, Harmon agreed to keep it on a leash or in his trailer instead of loose. Harmon paid his medical

I am one of the people who have an occasional mouth sore - have since I was 6. My latest blood test showed both markers but never once had any sores other than an occasional lip one. My doctor said while I should be concerned and have a retest, if I had never had an outbreak EVER it was either a false positive or I

I thought the jacket he was wearing was his father’s since he would be too young to be on the far east cruise. 

#1 did you unwrap it fully? If so that was a mistake. You only unwrap what you are about to eat - it allows you to hold it and eat it like a burger. #2 You always eat the fries 1st so the cheese has time to cool just enough to glue the burger together and you must have bacon. Dont eat it like a rookie! lol

My grill has a cast iron flat plate that I can replace the grate with on one side. It also has a neat basket under it that you can put wood chips in. Soak em and wrap them with tinfoil then toss the steak on the grill with the lid tightly closed for 90 seconds at a time. I dont cook them too long because I like mine

The problem is compressed air wont fix the problem it is a bandaid that will get worse and worse. Nintendo knows and didnt give a shit until the class action hit. I did the support thing in Dec with them, and they wanted me to pay to send them back and wait several weeks for the repair. I was still in warranty too at

Imagine that, another asshole that just says you are to blame and leaves. I have had mine docked 99% of the time using a pro controller so why do mine drift on the rare times I play it as a handheld? Oh right you wont respond anyway. 

In college we had an old lamp with a flip switch that we modified  to electrocute hot dogs. Flip switch and wait till they start to split then turn off switch. (set on a salt block as insulator) DO NOT USE CHEAP DOGS, cheap hot dogs burn inside and then EXPLODE. Also dont use the cheese inside dogs they dont turn out

I dont agree, I wouldnt work for an hour or anything like that, but where I am now required me to show them that I was able to do the job. I set up a point of sale system in maybe 5 minutes then diagnosed the problem it had. MAYBE 10m of work. It got me the job that I have been doing for years now. 

I know during the interview if the person I am talking to is going to get the job, after it is over, I let them know immediately that they are not a fit, and tell them why. Generally it is the inability to speak english in a professional manner. No dudes, woke, or slang in a job interview, especially one where you are