
Damnit dont you DARE forget DARCY!!!! 

Now I will be royally pissed if Hemsworth isnt Thor anymore he is AWESOME as a funny/action hero. So they better pull something outta their ass to make it work. Now didnt she also piss in the Marvel well during Thor 2? I just hope that since she is back that we get the awesomeness that is Darcy!

In college we had an old lamp with a flip switch that we modified  to electrocute hot dogs. Flip switch and wait till they start to split then turn off switch. (set on a salt block as insulator) DO NOT USE CHEAP DOGS, cheap hot dogs burn inside and then EXPLODE. Also dont use the cheese inside dogs they dont turn out

I dont agree, I wouldnt work for an hour or anything like that, but where I am now required me to show them that I was able to do the job. I set up a point of sale system in maybe 5 minutes then diagnosed the problem it had. MAYBE 10m of work. It got me the job that I have been doing for years now. 

I know during the interview if the person I am talking to is going to get the job, after it is over, I let them know immediately that they are not a fit, and tell them why. Generally it is the inability to speak english in a professional manner. No dudes, woke, or slang in a job interview, especially one where you are

I suspect you got a bad over cooked meal. I HATE chicken but 99% of their food is damn good even if it is chicken. 

Cilantro tastes like soap it isnt good stop trying to sell it to people it is NOT good. Texas is right steak should not be well done - it ruins the texture and the taste may as well put fucking ketchup on it.

California hates Chik fil a because they are predominately liberal, and they have a hard on because the owner

Well lets be fair, it isnt like the city has asked the levees and protection to be raised for the last what 30+ years? They live in a bowl that is below sea level, and they have asked the ACOE to raise the protection to a minimum 25 feet and most requests were for 30 foot+. Then 2-3 years before Katrina they did a

Remember where you are posting. Anything that goes against the agenda is not tolerated at all - despite being the “tolerant left” lmao. 

So if it works why is Seattle having issues with it? Big box stores can afford it but most smaller companies cant. I do the hire/fire at where I work. If we moved all the kids up to 15 we would fire them all. Then the ones on assistance LOSE benefits too. Then that gallon of milk you pay $3 for now goes up too.

We had

Do you know any programs that help people fight for their disability or insurance benefits? 

I agree mostly - but it can and does work for some people. Waaaay back when I was 16 one of my dearest friends married a 36 year old man. They have been married 20+ years now and they own a bbq joint outside Waco Tx. She pursued him for 2 years, and was always lets say strong willed and headstrong... For a major age

How do we know honestly that this happened they way these women claim. There are tons of women who do shit for money then regret it later when it bites them in the ass.

I am not saying that it did or didnt happen, just that the facts are people look out for themselves. Sometimes that includes lying out their asses...


google Calibre ebook management then remove drm + calibre - it is really easy. 

Or the guy could be a trouble customer that had done this repeatedly at this Hardees - so manager said enough of this shit. Without more info in the source article we cant say. 

We also dont know if he actually was shorted the hashbrowns or not. All we have is his claim. For all we know he does this everytime he visits and the manager had enough. Too little info in the source article to make an informed opinion yet. 

Yes, exactly this guy could have been given a full portion then was playing games with the cashier to get more or whatever. If he came out as an ass then some managers tell them to stuff it. Attitude is everything. 

Was there any proof he only got 2? I mean I go to Carl’s Jr now and then and the containers hold 10-15 it seems sketchy to only have 2. I would refuse to give him more too, just refund him and ask him to leave. 

I didnt see anything saying how he proved he only had 2... Seems kind of sketchy for just 2 to be in the little container. Then the 1st resort is the “ism” card - sexism, racism, agism, ect without again proof of anything racial in anyway. I just dont believe this guy.

naw with chickens you just snap your wrist and the head pops right off.