
Jericho has been hawking it like crazy too mentioning building talent and the talent having a say in the pushes they get. He said he had never felt so listened to in any other wrestling development meetings - and he had a large voice in WWE.

He said it wasnt built to compete with WWE, but to give the people what they

Lucha Underground just got a kick in the press when one of their major talents had a heart attack in the ring and died. Tragic accident in London I believe. 

She may be one of the high functioning autistic people who get so wrapped up in their thing they forget to eat or sleep causing a downward spiral. I have seen it within my own family - they are fine 99% of the time then they get so wrapped up in a task they will go into the hospital with dehydration and malnutrition

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vs a democrat that thinks Guam can capsize?

I just used to say “ALL future contact and correspondence is now to be done by mail ONLY - do you understand my request made on (insert time and date here) they reply yes and then you are good. I had an asshole capital one rep keep calling me when I repeatedly told them I have had this number for over 10 years and no

Lets be honest here, the Cubs did him a favor they are a shitty team anyway lmao

I say mass produce the cans and give them out for free. Reduce the stupidity level on the planet with one fell swoop.

That and climate models do not match what we are seeing even remotely, add in that ice core samples show data that does not match our current modeling systems either. Do we trust the ice core sample going back farther in time than we have other data for or do we trust computer models that dont match anything we have

Not too many Filipino people in Montana or Vietnamese for whatever reason (maybe the cold?) - but a TON of Tibetan people in some mining communities (I was told they were part of the immigration groups seeking asylum during the Chinese takeover of Tibet). I understand Colorado also has a major population of

I lived in Montana for 10 years and most of the cites have a fair representation of all races. Great Falls, Billings, Kalispell, Boseman, Helena ect. I primarily was in Great Falls with my tribe being based there and at Turtle Mountain. With the military base we had more than most of the cities of different races. No

Dunno - I think it is closer to 90% meat it was fine but something was missing for me. I think if it were cheaper or like massively more healthy I would switch but other than that I will keep going with my normal double bacon western cheeseburger + fried zucchini lol.  

I have had the Carl’s Jr version of the Double Bacon Western Cheeseburger. It isnt bad - it is similar enough most people would just think it was an off texture meat and say nothing. To be fair I did NOT order it, it was a mistake, but I ate it and it was close enough for me not turn around and drive 15 minutes back.

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Guess you have never been to a modern farm or processing center. For Texas, the indoor cattle farms tend to have massive amounts of tech that push the shit out of the pens, spray a cleaner, rinse it and then feed the cattle. Then you have the other cattle farmers that do not have them penned at all. You can see these

Too many people go full on for sports and forget other programs that people overlook. My son is in Choir and Audio engineering and BOTH have him a job after highschool and some money to go to University of Texas for their audio programs - which pay really well after graduation. My daughter is in a vet med program from

My son is in highschool as a junior - he is taking an audio engineering class that is dual credit and Advanced Choir. As part of that he has to go to the local news station and work as an audio/recording engineer trainee, has to attend the UT recording studio seminars 4x a month (we are 90 miles away from that - which

And suddenly piracy is growing again and studios cant understand why... Plex+Sonarr = no bullshit

My wife threatened to divorce me over that - made a huuuuge batch of scampi then the next day made popcorn and used the butter. It was so good she made me swear to never make it again. So I made it again a week later. 

Cooked should be a red color, now some countries use different crawfish I know a Swedish family and they cook them where they dont look good and smell worse. I eat them all season we just came back from Kemah’s Crawfish Fest where I ate about 40lbs by myself, I admit I will have heartburn for a solid month but its

Damn, that story just makes me so sad. If I could no longer eat shellfish I would just kill myself - the world just wouldnt be worth living in anymore. Are there any that you can eat? We have a family friend who cant have shrimp, lobster or crawfish, but he can have some others... 

I have had a beard since 1996, I wash it daily, and I do it well but I am also over 30 by far now. I have kept it thru the idiocy of the millennial dirt beard, the manbun, and been called **shudders** a hipster because of it. Some people look REALLY great with a beard, others do not. Tom Selleck, Tom Hardy, or Sam